Hello again. Long time no see

No not seriously. I've been here over 9 months. Posted many blogs with content for people to use. Commented on other posts. Shared my page and even linked it on my youtube page with thousands of unique visitors a month.

So why am I writing this?

Because after 9 months of posting here fairly regularly, I see that the community just isn't here. I see blogs of minimal content or mediocre pictures of food get hundreds of comments and a very interactive community. I see lots of upvotes and curation rewards. I also see people with great content slip though the cracks. Now I'm not going to say my content is amazing or inspiring but for the last few months I can tell you that my total comment count is probably under 20. In 9 months I've probably gotten 20 comments collectively on all my posts. My most popular post to date comment wise was when a scammer posted a comment on my blog and lots of people messaged warnings and such.

My question is should I continue? I see I have over 170 subscribers which actually blew my mind just a bit ago because my blog is basically me talking to myself 9 times out of 10.

What am I doing wrong? My topics are made to encourage posts. My lessons ask the learners to post their answers. But nada. So I ask you, whomever you are that reads this but never responds. Should I continue to post my lessons here or accept defeat on Steemit? Should I accept that my not fashionable posts and lack of food photos means my blog gets no comments or upvotes. Should I give up and move on to some other community?
I ask you.

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