Steemit - A fresh decentralized platform meat among the addictive social media sharks or: Can other social media platforms compete with Steemit?

A decentralized social media platform is quite uncommon in today's world. The crypto-currency scene of the digital age has surely induced interest in the topics relating to the online digital currency. It's pretty much a given, seeing as how there are more privacy concerns now more than ever. Social media is certainly the most attractive, interesting, and fascinating invention of today. This is not to say that no form of social media has existed in history of mankind. The biggest social media platforms are bars and pubs. Or if you wanna go even more back in time, then bonfires and camps. In the olden days, people used to sit around a campfire and share stories and experiences of their lives after a tiring work-day. This is the historical and traditional form of social media which has been almost forgotten by the inhabitants of the Earth. The use of cell-phones, laptops and computers have negated these things, introducing the supposedly "modern" way of social media. Facebook, twitter, reddit.

No matter how much we label social media as advanced and modern, we should and can never forget it's roots. The so-called modern social media is another name of idling and doing nothing worthwhile. The thing that was supposed to let us waive off exhaustion and stress caused by a frustrating day of hard-labour at the end of the day is now instead helping us waive off that hard-labour itself wholly and completely.

Though a convenient way of getting in touch with relatives and friends all around the world, social media is pretty much a creativity-killer. It decimates the thrill that you should get when reading an article or even writing one, that's mainly because of click-bait. Huge sites like Facebook have horrendous spam control. Literally anything with a title and a link can get posted there. Even porn can spent a while up there before it's brought down.

We look at these websites as if they have innovated and changed the game. Like they've re-invented the wheel. All that these websites have done is to provide a window into the personal and social lives of others. Which is a pretty big red-flag in the first place. Privacy of the user-base is the most important thing. If that is neglected or hidden away behind a ton of options, it can be a problem. Thankfully with Steemit, these problems of privacy, security, and creativity have been resolved.

The biggest factor that attracted me to Steemit was it's ability to induce creativity and open-mindedness in others. People need some sort of incentive for all the work they spend on typing a few words on the keyboard while sipping coffee and watching a movie. All that mental exhaustion and finger-pain need some kind of reward. That's where STEEM comes in.

STEEM is a crypto-currency which is awarded to the users here for curating, generating, producing, and discussing content. If the money-factor does not entice people to post and participate more, then I do not know what will.

This is where Steemit takes the cake. By being open, transparent and most of all, rewarding it's users, Steemit secures interest in it's platform.

Social media is designed to be an addiction. It is designed to keep your eyes glued to the display, and your fingers to the screen/keyboard. It's what has gotten it this kind of popularity among the masses. But addiction is about the only thing these social media sites provide to you, the consumer. You visit the website everyday to get your dose of the personal lives of others. How many times have you visited Facebook solely for the purpose getting news? Or even reading a random interesting article? Probably negligible times. We have better alternatives that Facebook for those things. Now, compare that with Steemit. How many times have you visited Steemit solely for the purpose of getting the latest on the crypto-community and Steemit? Or how many times have you visited Steemit for reading an article and partaking in the discussion? More than that of facebook, right?

It's pretty self-answerable when you think about it deep enough. Although still in it's infancy, Steemit has firmly set it's foot in the dangerous mountains of Social Media platform, and for the time being, I think that it's pretty safe and sure to say that it's the firmest step any one has set ever before in the industry of digital social media.

The competition is strong, but we have the potential to be stronger. You and I have witnessed this potential first-hand. It's up to us now, the community, to come together and set Steemit well on it's way to demolish the monopoly of other sites. It's too early to say anything about the future of Steemit, but seeing as how significant and insightful each passing day is becoming for Steemit, we can say that Steemit is indeed the next Big Thing.

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