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@thatgrlbeth I agree with you - it happens every day TODAY in the USA. And then as well. And so it has always been - I am not trying to be callous. I am trying to put it into perspective: I don't know why there are some people who get to have power over others. I don't know why some people have to die at the hands of other people. I don't know why slavery STILL exists. I don't know why the psychopaths have gotten the upper hand 'cept they are "smarter" than we are since they don't have those pesky feelings in the way of actions they take - and they are trying to blend in so they are good actors... I don't agree with it. RE Israel - I don't agree that the "Jewish people" get to take that land away from the Palestinians and torture and kill them constantly with US aided guns.

I don't agree that "we" Americans don't get to investigate WHY we continuously AID Israel in this brutality without being called "anti-semetic" and the Israeli's always pull the "Holocaust" card every time someone wants to have a healthy discussion about why we continue to perpetuate that "war". I think it is blood-sacrifice that the satanists need to continue - not Jews...

what about the Holocaust on the Native Americans? Why so difficult for us to reconcile that one and STILL we rob them off their land by putting an oil pipeline through Standing Rock. What about the Holocaust toward the African ? Right here in the USA? What about the Holocaust of the Japanese American - the work camps right here in the US that they were sent off to during ww1?

What is the root of all this? Must we be divided over these issues? The purpose of the misinformation is divide and conquer... in a way the Holocaust of ww2 was a false flag since Adolph Hitler was a bastard Rothschild - his mother had an affair with a Rothschild - she was a servant in his house - and on and on it goes...

I am not trying to minimize it - but people have the right to discuss it - to write articles about it - and to be wrong about it - I mean - the Talmud talks about how non-Jews are not human and deserve to be killed TOO. Have you looked at the Protocols of Zion? It's quite shocking....