Want more steem updates? Are you a inquisitive geek?

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Are you the kind of person who wants to find out information first? Are you the kind of user that doesn't mind reading through code or comments on code to get information first? It can often pay off well to dive deeper into the things we use, sure to some the steemit website is the tool. But there is more to it, much more...

The Steemit github - https://github.com/steemit

In short, github is a code version control system. Because the technology running behind steemit is open-sourced its code must be displayed online in a repository for people to read, check, comment on and add to! A cyptocurrency or applications github page is always a huge source of information. Although for obvious reasons so applications are not open source, so this this information is hidden on private git systems. Luckily not the case for steem!

The github issues tab - 1/5 geek factor

  • The issues tab, often have suggestion or bugs are submitted as issues on github. Looking through them you can see general talk about issues and upgrades and replies from the developers.

While not all information on the issues tab is exciting, or an update, you will from time to time find some real good information. I always check the issues page of the steem github if I see an issue or update to see if others have raised it.

steemit issues

Looking into steem code - 5/5 geek factor

  • Looking through the code, not just deployed code but branches, commits, and pull requests can really show some juicy information on upcoming steem updates. Just a warning, you will need to have some decent coding experience (or maybe a geek friend to help you decipher it). A lot of (good) code is commented well so this might help.

steem code

Want me to go deeper into anything in this post? Think I should post more information on how developers get information? Let me know in the comments!

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