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What should I blog about on Steemit ?

Steemit is a unique and amazing blogging platform as you may have realized by now. Provided, of course, that you blog. Yet, sometimes people experience difficulties in finding what to blog about. But, fear not ! I got you covered. In this post I will share some thoughts and tactics on how to constantly find topics to write about here on Steemit, or on any other platform for that matter.


Give'em what they want…

First approach would be to write specifically for the platform. In your feed page to the left you can see the most popular tags/topics to write about. Furthermore, in the top menu you can find the trending and hot posts, so that you can draw inspiration about what is successful here on Steemit and what actually people care about.

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The advantage of this approach is that you already know there is an audience that follows and/or searches these topics, so you have more chances to attract many readers and potentially followers/upvoters.

The downside for some people would be that there is bigger competition. I agree that there is more competition, but I personally find it positive, since I love good ol' competition cause it's more fun and motivates you to become better. Plus, many argue that it is better to go to a proven crowded market rather than an empty space. But, I'll leave it up to you to decide.

The "real" downside in my opinion is that you may not know or care about those popular topics. In this case, I think it is better to look for another approach. And even if you can write about something you don't really care just because it's "hot" you should think twice. We don't need another post about "how freakin awesome steemit is…" or "steem will be a gazillion dollars in the years to come". Yes, we already know steemit is great and yes most probably steem's price will rise in the future.

To summarize, it is good to know what works in a platform and …

… and add your own twist

You can write about a subject , a hot or a trending subject and add your own unique perspective. You can take the most talked about topic or the most boring one, add your voice and approach and have something fresh, new and captivating. Don't be shy, the world needs you as Marie Forleo says.

And what do I mean by your own unique perspective. I don't mean write about technical analysis and use purple and yellow lines in the charts, instead of green and red. Let's face it, you don't know sh!t , you aren't a trader and if someone would have told you about macd six months ago you would have thought it was a new apple product.

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Follow @ruth-girl now !

Let me give you an excellent example of adding a unique twist to a subject and introduce you, if you live under a rock and don't know her, our own @ruth-girl and her famous trolls. As you can see @ruth-girl writes about astronomy and uses these "stupid" little toys we had when we were kids to craft stories and talk about things that most people find rather dull. How awesome is that and how unique of an approach … So, be like @ruth-girl , be unique.

just be yourself

That is the best approach by far in my opinion. Just write about topics that you know and are passionate about. Create a list of few main subjects that you can support and blog like there is no tomorrow. Once a week you can sit down and think about next week. Create the titles of ( at least ) one week's posts, so that you don't go through the struggle of "what to write about today". This is called editorial calendar.

But, don't be rigid. Have your eyes and ears open because everything can be a potential post. Something you read about , something you heard , whatever. For example I write this post because I saw people asking ( more than once ) this very question : "what should I write about today ?". And there you have it. Today's post ! Comments and questions that you get are also an excellent source of inspiration. If you are not sure, your readers will tell you. Just take notes, because some of the best ideas lay forgotten in the depths of our minds.

And let's say you like macramé and afraid that no one else will care. Don't be afraid. Eventually, you will find your audience or better your audience will find you. It may take a little bit of time. And it is better to have few loyal readers/upvoters than many that don't spend time consuming your content. What is better, another crypto news post like other hundred that will pop up, that a reader will scan it through for 5 sec and forget it, or a comprehensive macramé guide that 5 people will read it , enjoy it and vote it? I choose the latter any day of the week.


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experiment, have fun and break your rules

Last but not least, change it from time to time. Write something different. Put a twist in your twist. Take us by surprise. Write about a completely unrelated topic. Are you the macramé expert ? Write about cake decoration ! Experiment with new topics , new approaches , new techniques. Make an infographic , a meme , a video. This will renew your interest and your readers interest. And you never know… You may hit a jackpot and a whole new world may open in front of you. And even if the post fails miserably … No failure, only feedback. You know that this doesn't work for you. That's all right , you go on with the next post.

In the end what we do here is fun. I know there is some money aspect as well, and I am all about the money, but don't let obsessing with rewards or lack thereof take the fun out of Steemit.

Be patient , be consistent , follow few simple rules ( break them from time to time ) and you will get what you deserve.

Be the best YOU that you can be and have fun.
Entertain , Educate and Inspire us.
This is what we want ...
And we want it now and we want it from YOU!

And now you know what to do.
Steem on !!!

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