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The president of the Free Republic of Liberland announces that Bitcoin is the basis of its economy

Vít Jedlička is the president of the Free Republic of liberland and through page gave an interview Bitcoin dedicated to technology and how it has become the backbone of the economy of the nation that represents.

The Free Republic of liberland is a micronation that was declared independent and founded on April 13, 2015, after fighting in Czech Republic initiated by Vít. This country is between Croatia and Serbia, on the west bank of the river Danube, this small nation has given rise to various debates on micronations and successions. Vít and citizens of this nation are strong advocates of the free market and the use of Bitcoin.

Following an interview by Vít Jedlička

Can you tell our readers how it will free Republic of liberland?

It goes very well! There is a permanent settlement group working on the preparation of the whole movement. Very soon you will be able to see beautiful images of planes not now tripulados.Tenemos seventy five representative offices around the mundo.Sólo'm flying back from Malta, where we will have a presence fuerte.Nuestro legal system is about the end, and I am proud to be one of the most libertarians systems on this planet. We appreciate Croatia's current approach, which strictly protects our borders. We hope to develop a very friendly relationship with the new government to be formed in September.

Have you had any obstacles to what you are doing?

Our approach is that we use all obstacles on the way to our advantage. From that point of view, there are no obstacles in our way.

How do people in the free Republic of liberland feel about Bitcoin?

It's really the basis of our economy. Even for the first ship was purchased Bitcoin was used. Very soon there will be a similar Uber application that will allow residents to do business in Bitcoins worldwide.

What are your plans for the country to go ahead?

With the support of and Roger View are preparing to open the first fully professional diplomatic office in Zagreb from September. We are looking forward to a constitutional convention in circulation on 27 August in the Free Republic of liberland. During this event, we will grant citizenship and passport to the first Liberlanders.

Recently seven members of the Polish Parliament recognized the Republic of liberland free. What can you tell our readers about this?

Seven members of the Polish Parliament asked the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to officially recognize the Republic of liberland free. It is very encouraging news last week from an article published by the Chicago International Law Journal that argues rationally about the legality of the free Republic of liberland. With the support of our Polish diaspora and Americans we are preparing for professional diplomatic mission in the Pacific, South America and Africa this fall.

If you are going to tell the whole world your goals, what would they be?

My goal from an early age was to bring more freedom to this planet through opening people's minds. Today we have nearly a half million people interested in living in a truly free country. I would like that number to increase to a couple of million next year.

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