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Why I Upvote My Followers So Much & How I've Boosted Their Reputations

Welcome To The Art Of Reciprocity

If you contribute original or thoughtful comments on my posts then there is a very high chance that what you say will get upvoted. Please NO spam. Simple. For Example:


However I am fully aware that some will try to take advantage of my kindness and generosity. I don't mind giving at all but please let's all be considerate of one another and not take advantage of each other. 

As I stated in the post, The Art Of Reciprocity, I am trying to build community and engagement here on Steemit. This is so that we can all benefit by being involved in communicating with one another by sharing our thoughts and ideas. We can all learn from one another and I want my posts to become a force field of reciprocation.  

Why Do I Do It? 

Because I've been placed in a role where I feel I can help many. We talk about changing the world and making it a more loving place so this is just an outlet to do that. I'm not some superhuman from another planet. There is nothing special about me. I'm just some guy who was outcasted and lost. My experiences have taught me much and I just want to serve others. 

Upvotes and Reputation Boost

One of my favorite Steemians, @valorforfreedom, talked about how his reputation was boosted from around 25 to 45 within a matter of weeks. 

This is just one example of someone who has benefited from contributing in the comments section of my posts. Now he is a serious content creator here on Steemit and his growth has been phenomenal. He has put in tons of work posting 2 times per day every day for about 3 months now. He has put in tons of work to be where he is now. I was just there to help him in the beginning. Stories like his fire me up and push me to continue down the path of boosting others. 

Many have commented saying that their reputation has received a pretty nice increase. Good. Just how I like it. So many have inspired me as well and in turn they have received upvotes from me. 

I contribute, you contribute = UPVOTE & REPUTATION BOOST

So if you are new to my blog feel free to jump in the comment section and contribute. All I ask is that you be respectful and considerate of others. Also if you come across comments that you like go ahead and give it an upvote so that other people's comments can be rewarded. Lastly to all of you that have been giving great feedback and communication, hats off to you and you are why I do this. Much love and peace.


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