Add Colour to your Steem Articles

It's been a while Steemit has added red colour to its CSS for div tags but some Steemians haven't known about it or some might have encouterd it on other users blog but don't know how to use it.

Sometimes we want our Title/Headings/Sub-Headings to be in different colour, so as to differentiate them from main articles and make it eyes catchy.

Steemit implemented this awesome feature; which you can add red color to your text (Title, Headings).

Tag Below

Use this tag for text you want to add red color.
<div class="phishy"> Your Text here </div>for example: <div class="phishy">More Info</div>

More Info

Div is an HTML Tag, A Block level element.
In HTML we have both Inline Level Element and Block Level Element.

Inline Level Elements: are elements/tags that can be used within text examples are bold tag, italic tag, span tag (<b>, <i>, <span> tags etc).

Block Level Elements: are elements/tags that take up a line when used examples are heading tags, division tag, center tag (<h1>, <div>, <center> tags etc).

From what I have explained above, you will infer that div tag is a block level element.
Now, the color class attribute is only available for div tag.

We are looking forward for Steemit to add more colors and make it available for inline level elements so that colours can be used within our articles/texts.

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