What is happening with the Steemit Post rewards? - Can Anyone Do Something?!

Fellow Steemians,

I am not a cryptocurrency expert nor a blockchain genius. - Truth to be told, I have slim to none knowledge and experience about all of this.

That's also the main reason for this post, and for my question.


Do you know who @heiditravels are? (This is just 1 person I use to state this example.)
A girl who made the headlines due to her awesome travel-posts. A girl who've made a ton of money & SP on Steemit. A girl who've had payouts of ~$10,000 several times. - And today, if you look at her blog you'll see that the latest payouts she had is..

  • $13 - $30 - $104 - $79 - $92

Like I stated above, this is just one example. There are more authors who've had similar results, even though they've been rewarded with 10 times more previously, just a few weeks back.

I wrote a blog post some time ago about the rewards and I would love to see those amazing huge payouts again, and I truly would. - However, even though I'm not an expert I can still understand that the money comes from someone's pockets. - The main question I have is, - Why have everything decreased to these low standards when it comes to rewards?

  • Will we ever be able to see $10,000+ posts again?
  • Is there anything we, random, non-millionaire people could do to increase the value again?

People will start to talk about the slider and that whales are voting with less power than before, and sure, I get that. I can see how that would affect the rewards, but in reality, is has to come down to something else.

My first week on Steemit, I got upvoted by dantheman and he skyrocketed my posts to rewards of $600 or so. Nowadays, I bet his vote is worth something around $100. - That's quite a change. Ned's votes during that time, was worth something like $1,000. - And nowadays, I can't even tell. Perhaps $150. - How is that and what can we do to change this?

  • Even though I haven't been blessed with $1000+ posts on a regular basis, or even a single time, I would still love to see those posts. - People talked about how it was unfair and all that, but seriously though, it was still one of the main reasons for people to join Steemit. - They saw those incredible amounts of money people made on a single post. - And nowadays, you're kind of lucky if you find a post with more than $500 in rewards. - The average reward seems to be somewhere between $200 - $300, that's actually just 10% of the rewards @guerrint got for her makeup tutorial.

I don't know if it's possible or not..

But I want the old Steemit back. - Well perhaps not entirely, but I would love to see those amazing rewards again. - They got my heart filled of joy and hope.

I want to change the world somehow, at some point in my life.. And what I've witnessed here on Steemit, have been like a blessing from above.

You've helped homeless people, people without hope or electricity. You've helped people to buy new phones and pay their rent. - You've helped me to become a better me in some way.

Now, tell me what I can do for you.

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