[ Curiosity Discord ] - NEW: A daily lottery to win Steem Backed Dollars !!

NEW: Daily lotteries to win SBD with Curiosity on Discord !

A new and awesome feature for Steemit and the Blockchain.
This post is also posted on @CuriosityBot

I am very glad to announce that @curiositybot is now hosting daily lotteries in Discord. For the last 2 days have been working on this new script and its already your Curiosity Discord Wallet running on it second lottery round. The lottery can be used with. To guarantee fairness you can only buy 1 ticket each round, and at the end of each lottery, a winner will be picked at random by the bot itself. A new way to earn some SBD !!

How to enter the lottery

Lottery Buy-in
To enter the lottery, you simply type (.Lottery Buyin) and a confirmation screen will pop up in chat. This menu will give you all information about that specific lottery you are about to enter. You type Yes to accept the payment and enter the lottery; type No to cancel the buy in. After the you bought a ticket, a you receive a message on chat about your purchase.

Check the current lotteries jackpot.

Transparency is for us very important, you can at any time check the value of the current jackpot via .Check @Curiosity. Make sure you mention the bot. The amount of the SBD on that you can see on the left is the current lottery value. This is what the winner will get is he or she is picked. After winning the lottery the prize pool will automatically be transferred to your Discord Wallet.

The chosen lottery winner

Once the end of the lottery gets triggered @curiositbot will randomly pick a lotto entry, and places the results on chat. After the winner got picked the prize pool will automatically be transferred into your account. After the lottery has ended, a new lottery will be started.

Want the lottery on your server ?

The Curiosity Lottery is a global lottery meaning, every Discord server is able to join in the lottery. You only need @curiositybot on your discord server and you are immediately be able to use it. But for those that do not have their on server, simply join SteemSpeak Discord Server !!
A great server based on Crypto and exchanging ideas and knowledge.



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