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TWO MONTHS DOWN: Lessons, experience and proposal for growth.


The Journey

I was going through the third party server of and discovered that it is exactly two days ago that my Steemit journey became two months old. Quite a progress I must say, even though I didn't start blogging until August because of my semester exams.
Just as @aggroed pointed out in his last post. There are two types of Steemian, those who found Steemit by themselves and those who was referred by a friend to join the community. I happen to be in the category of the latter.
The Irony about my stay in Steemit is the fact that the person who referred me to this platform has no account of his own. He is one of those Bitcoin faithfuls who doesn't want to leave his first love no matter how tempting the others are.

It was in my quest to find a community with better opportunities online that he told me about the platform. His exact words were; I have known you for quite a while and I know a community where you do what you love to do and still get paid for it.
Indeed, he was right, and just like many others, steemit became my first love in the crypt world.
He referred me to @ogochukwu, who is an authority in his own niche and I was groomed under his tutelage, which will not be forgotten in a hurry.


My Experience

There have been many ups and downs, the days of abundance and that of total lack. I had one experience once in this platform that actually was the determinant to making or marring me here.
I had spent so much hours in making research on an article for publication. I spent even greater hours typing it with the desired markdown format in other to get a beautiful display work.

I was optimistic about the positive response it would get. After which I was done, I ran out of data. I couldn't reach my blog for close to two days, and asked someone in a teeming group on what's app to help me check the earnings(not the comments nor any other reactions, but the earnings.) Quite hopeful I was, until I was told that my whole hard work only made two cents.


I had thought it a joke, until a screenshot of my page was sent to me and it dawned on me that it was true. I had the option of quitting that day. It was a chain of accumulated frustration which actually reached its peak with the disappointment of that post.
Then I want pose with the option of going back to facebook to write and make nothing or staying here and make 2 cents, your guess is as good as mine. The truth is, I stayed back for the money, no matter how little it was, it is still better than nothing.

The revelation

But then overtime I realized that the problem of getting depressed about low earnings on my work was because I had the wrong impression about the community. This was even clearer when I was reminiscing on my time on facebook, the days I wrote stories for free and no rewards. But the only satisfaction I got then was the reviews and comments on the post. The feelings it brought in nostalgia, no amount of money could have given such fulfilment.

I have actually made a post about the wrong reasons we write on Steemit. I will not fall into the temptation of writing anything on it again. However, it should be noted even at the expense of repetition that the only way to get value for yourself in this platform is to have a open mind to learning.
I don't think that there is any other platform in the world that could boast of a community of writers from different part of earth under the same umbrella, with one goal: creations of God's gift to man in writing and development of like minds.
It is until you understand that there is more to Steemit than the earnings, only then could you tap from the vibration of knowledge that flows on the system. I read works from @stellabelle and @surpassinggoggle, then I realized that there are minds that are made in heaven here.

My Conviction

My days are becoming shorter and nights are becoming restless. I had read a post from @stellabelle from which a quote had stuck with me.


I have never been able to understand the revelation behind this statement until recently. I happened to have the opportunity to participate in the ask me session with her and the reply I got to my question which has caused burning desire to my soul that has made me restless ever since. Even Gods punishment will befall me if I don't do this.

It is my belief that Steemit has come to restructure the crypto world. It has come to stay and over time in years to come it will be the mainstream of all social media.
The beauty about this, is the fact the it affords you to meet sound minds, hone your latent potentials and in due time earn from it.
I am also convinced that in it we have a tool to the development of the society and our world at large, creating opportunities not seen before and improved conditions especially for youths and the poor.

It is in the vision of Steemit that hinge upon support for community building and social interaction with cryptocurrency rewards that myself and other steemians(names withheld for now) have decided to work marketing and development of steemit within our locale.
The aim is expanding the ideas of Steemit to over a community of over 5000 people within a short period of time.
The plans and ideas are on the developing stage and rendezvous with master minds who are willing to take up this idea has already been in place.


The Challenge

I once asked someone about community growth in Steemit, the response I got was that I only know a percentage few and I want to go faster than the leaders. It came down heavily on me and I was discouraged. But one thing I know however is that, leaders are those in authority and positions, but one who leads inspires. And the inspiration to get this done could be drawn from a lot of other people's deed in this platform, which is capable of drowning the determent to the barest minimum.

However, I know that one doesn't have to been as long enough in a place in other to effect positive changes. I am ready to be wrong for what I believe in and this I know and convinced, is capable of being achieved with the right direction and mentoring.
>For no two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened a third mind. Napoleon Hill
With this being the only facing challenge now. I believe it could be conquered and making the sky the starting point for the Steemit community.


Check out my last post: When the steem cent/saints becomes a motivation to write


IMAGE SOURCE: Goggle, Pixabay and Pinterest
Image designed by me on textgram.