The Split Personality of Steemit

Steemit is a truly wonderful social experiment to observe.

A constant interplay of forces…

On the one hand - the ideals, aspirations and lofty dreams within the community.

On the other - the raw greed that lives within us all.

The non-spiritual side of us

…has spent a couple of billion years in a survival-of-the-fittest, that-which-can-grab-the-most-wins, battle.
Small wonder, all of us have some element of the passion for GREED within us.

Just offer anything for “free” and it is amazing to watch the extent to which we will go to get it.

The motivation for monetary reward on steemit is stimulating all kinds of responses from us.
• Some of us that have never blogged or written are trying our hand at it - and discovering a creativity we barely knew existed within us.
• Some of us are spamming posts and votes - by throwing everything we can think of, at the wall, and hoping something sticks.
• Some of us have developed automated bots - to earn money while we sleep, in diverse and creative ways.
• Some of us are gaming each new feature of the system - to extract every possible ounce of reward.
• Some of us are actively promoting the platform - in the hope of maximizing our current investment, sometime in the future.
• etc.


Our better natures, the “breath of life”, breathed into us, if you will. Demand of us to rise above our physical, greed-inclined selves.

To be more than mere animals, tailless apes, by-products of a mindless evolution from the primordial swaps. Never satiated, ever seeking for more. He who dies with the most toys wins kind of people.

We have within us a striving for something better, something more than mere hunting and gathering of resources. More than grabbing hands that grab all they can,
…we want to be more,
…we want to build more,
…we want to make a difference,
…we want to leave a legacy.

But again…

Are High Ideals and Aspirations just that?
…highly idealistic,
…pie in the sky,
…pipe dreams,
…never to be achieved?
…Continually hijacked by human greed,
…and the other baser elements of our physical, evolved nature?

And so,

As each of us battle our own personal evolutionary battle, this battle is transferred to steemit.
Therefore steemit projects our split personalities, our struggle between ideals and greed,
…good and evil,
…light and dark,
…yin and yang,
…the constant interplay that drives the evolution of us and steemit, onward and upward.

Opposition is an eternal principle, as explained here…(that’s why this is also tagged in the philosophy and religion section)

Opposition is always necessary for growth and training requires resistance.

This steemit ecosystem is driven by cryptocyrency rewards and hence greed is likely to be its arch nemesis, the yang to its yin, its resistive and restraining force holding it back.

When it comes to passions its often better not to fight them but to channel them! Since they are an integral part of us. It is no different for us as a steemit community.

It’s our responsibility to bridle our passion for greed, like a wild horse. The tamed horse will take us, the steemit community to higher heights and better places than our wildest dreams.

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