Changing interests.

I did a little analysis regarding interest types on and how they are changing.

This may give a few hints as to what topics are currently found interesting and which types of posts get real views.

I then compared this month so far with the same period last year and the changes are quite dramatic.

There is a huge move to interest in content classed as shoppers... and what's with all this about health and fitness?

I suppose there was little to none of this category of content available last year.

Financial services is still our largest In-market segment, due to all the crypto etc. related content, but that dominance has declined since last year

Interest in educational topics is intriguingly on the rise.

News related things of many varieties are also pulling a lot of traffic.

These classification also only represent about a third of all traffic, so it shows that there are many small categories getting reasonable amounts of views and that speaks to the ongoing diversification of the content and audience using the steemit website.

This is Google Analytics data and presents traffic from a front end perspective.

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