Steemit Notifications! FINALLY! I developed a browser extension that shows your upvotes, replies, ... Looking for Beta Testers

When was the last time you felt like Steemit is missing notifications about new replies or upvotes and downvotes on your posts. Well now you can have it. With Steemification (yea, creative with the name right?)!

So I spent the day to create a browser extension for Google Chrome and Firefox that essentially gives you pings when someone is interacting with the posts you have created. The mechanics of it are quite simple: you just enter the username of your account or of an account that you want to watch and there will be a browser notification as soon as something new is happening.

There is an option to choose custom layout notifications or go with the default browser notification style. When clicking on the notification you get redirected to the post and can interact or reply instantly and thus improving the whole flow of how to use steemit a lot more.

I submitted the extension to the Chrome Webstore and it is currently pending review and I will submite it now to the Firefox extension store. Once the links are live I will post it here. I dont know how long the review process takes but for everyone who want's to have the extension I can also send files. I'am not sure if I can support Safari but I will look into it later today.

While developing it and having it run for two hours myself I saw the following options for improvement:

  • notifications about new posts from people who you follow
  • an optional alternative layout in the facebook notification style
  • options to select which kind of notifications you would want to show (upvotes, downvotes, replies,....)
  • a feature that you suggest?

I hope this extension can be useful to a lot of people here on #Steemit. Even if not it is very useful to myself as it is finally possible to keep up with everything happening on the platform easily. Essentially I hope that this extension can give a guideline to the admins how notifications on the page could look like and that they implement them into the project itself at some point.

hey everyone, thanks for the overwhelming support. i sent out the extension to a few people here and on telegram and the feedback so far is great. unfortunately the chrome webstore store rejected the first submission due to the image guidelines not fulfiled with the reason "other" - very helpful - but i resubmitted it already.. after talking to a few people on our steem telegram group i also decided to polish the sourcecode more and release it on github. the extension is not asking for any passwords or keys but still people should have the means to verify this themself. please stay tuned i will update this post as soon as the extension goes live. if there are further feature requests just drop me a comment here please! steem on!

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