Where are You From?

Hello Steemians!

I was doing some thinking about steemit and how cool it is that it is such a diverse group of people sharing their stories from all over the world. So I wanna know where all of you guys are from/heritage?

I am originally from New York but moved to FL when I was 9. My heritage is mainly Dutch and Russian. My mothers side is dutch, as they live up to their hard working stereotype! They are from a dutch town in upstate NY close to the border of Canada. When I was younger, I did quite a bit of exploring in their basement and found all sorts of old pictures of my ancestors and personal belongings of theirs. I once found a pair of authentic wooden clogs from the Netherlands! (Not very comfortable :P )

Anyway.. Here are some pictures of my mother's side.

The youngest Boy is my great great grandfather Carl

My lovely grandparents who I am lucky enough for them to still be in my lives. They are a huge part of my life and I feel blessed to have them around!

My beautiful mother!

Growing up in upstate NY allowed for her to get into horseback riding. She owned 4 horses as that was a huge part of her life growing up.

I am so grateful to my grandparents for keeping such beautiful pictures!!

For my dad's side:

He grew up in New York City and remained there for most of his life before meeting my mom. His side of the family comes from Eastern Europe (Russia & Ukraine). Unfortunately, his parents passed away when I was a baby, so I never had the opportunity to meet them as an adult. I could not find many pictures of them, but found one that I love.

Hope this was interesting for you guys! I would love to know where you all are from! :)

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