Steem to replace nondistributed torrent trackers or indexes

Could Steem replace non-distributed torrent trackers or indexes?

WIP Proposal

Given the current events regarding certain websites being shut down, and that I don't usually feel like defending them because of a couple reasons. I though that as of now the only way to a clean bittorrent index is making an autonomous and distributed one, just like the bittorrent protocol.

BitTorrent was a breakthrough itself, there we saw the power of rough consensus on a fast, distributed and "free" system. The magnet links came to solve another issue on decentralization, but still there was the need of trackers and indexes.

Efforts like ThePirateBay Coin (TBP - [Pre-ANN]) and vTorrent (VTR - [ANN]) seem stalled projects.

How to distribute indexes?

Steem seems from my point of view to be the most logical platform to serve this need as of now. It wouldn't even change the experience of publishers and peers by much, except for the fact that they will... profit.

How to distribute trackers?

I am trying to see the reasonable way to propose, if there's any (There always is). My rapid guess is that some kind of comments or just them as announce would do. Maybe autoflagged in order to avoid ugly flood or bot-flagged.

Extra ideas

  • Steem BitTorrent UI?
  • Bots could republish magnets links and metadata from actual trackers, indexes or torrent cachés. (3... 2... 1...)
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