Free Steemit!

Steemit is a great site, there are now more and more different ways popping up on how to use the blank canvas to transport a story: written works, embedded videos and picture stories tell about the variety of the people contributing to this community.

I feel that the creativity of Steemit is going through the roof, but it is restricted by the possibilities of what can be pushed via the blog.

@andrarchy talked about something similar and the potential for Steemit in his video

Now is Steemit a news platform? Or another blogging site? Or what?

Currency is the soul

What destinguishes Steemit from theses is that it uses a currency for popularity based reward. If people like something, they show it by using steem power and the more is put into the creation, the more value is given back to the creator. This in turn shows the creator his produced value and where to put in more work.

Value from voting

So special about the currency is, that it gives a value exchange. The essential product used is the vote button, to interact with other people, and then the chatfunction afterwards.

You like their work and thus increase their reward. You're not donating money, but give a little push towards it. 

Let people know they are awesome!

So what I want to propose is:  Get the votebutton out!

It could look like this

Facebook like buttons can be found everywhere. So the estate is already there. Having the Steemit vote button on popular sites would not only open up steemit to more people, but also show the use of it in comparison to all the dozens of other like buttons.

But wait, there's more

Okay, maybe the Steemit team is already thinking about something like this. After all its a lot of work to have the site running and working on getting a functioning, aesthetic button that can be implemented in the majority of websites.

So if this is the case, I got another idea to go further:

get the vote button in the real world. Someone produces something awesome? An artist deserves your praise? Allow him to put custom QR code on his artwork, and you can give him a little something back.

Steemit can become very big.

Please tell me if my head is to high in the sky here. I'm happy about all kinds of critic.

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