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STEEMIT= Smart Mining, Smart Earning and Smart Living. Nothing else is better..!

de(2).jpgSince I joined Steemit and actively started working HERE, I find no other job better at the moment and deep down inside, I secretly wish none will be. Yes, I said it!

We are humans and one of the distinctive traits we have is that we are more lovers than we are haters when we are happy being ourselves. Seriously, we are so please feel sorry for those haters out there, they are missing the important point there is to living, and that is being able to see life from the eyes of a lover.

Bitcoin is still the biggest of the coins in the crypto space and being the biggest does not just come easy without its hazards and cost and then the potential harm to the environment. I am not saying it is a bad thing to be the best of them all, NO that is not what I am saying even if it sounds like that is what I am saying and it is NOT.
I am simply saying, being the best while causing no environmental hazard and strain on the human facade is awesome! and that is what Steemit brings to the table.

I was just now chatting with @surpassinggoogle (damn, that dude is really trying to surpass Google sha) and I quickly noted something I may have consciously or unconsciously known, and that is we are all Miners here on Steemit and the tools we mine with is OUR MINDS.

Smart TV, Smart Cars, Smart Phones, Smart Homes etc are what the world has come to know and embrace, but Smart Mining has been missing from that list until Steemit came calling with her unique mining farm..., THE MIND, YOUR MIND, MY MIND where the use of it does no harm to the environment but rather improve and develop it.
A farm that helps the farm retain her richness and adds to her intellectual power bank.



Mining for the Gold that is in Steemit is not reserved to an exclusive few, but to everyone as are willing to partake in this project. Everyone is involved in everyone's growth and personal development which goes on to continually impact community participation for all and sundry.

I do more of working to get more people on this gold mining farm than the actual blogging/writing and I think that interests me very much. WHY? you may ask.
Well, because being able to convince someone that they can be here for *free and make something of a value and brand of themselves is classic, and I like the classics of life.

Making the best of what we have is mostly what I grew up to know as I was never on that list reserved for the privileged or fortunate.
I was not even that bright in terms of school work because I mostly was unable to get text books like my mates did, and for the better part of the exams period, I was always out waiting for the school authority to come show us, (those whose parents couldn't pay the fees) compassion and allow us join our mates 20minutes into the exams.

It didn't end there, it became another set of hurdles when getting to make money online was for a select few and Google Adsense will not disappoint in making sure you never get paid for some reasons best known to them.

Don't get me started on the government the modern day slave drivers, the personified criminally insane whose mindset has no place for the growth of the others but themselves and theirs. They make sure the economy is dry as they fleece it of every nutrient it has and when you try to be hardworking, you remain hardworking with nothing to show for it.

Thank God for Steemit! This is the New Reality that makes hardworking feel sorry for itself. Smart working is the new hardworking and in this Smart environment, this pattern of work has brought about a redefinition and resurrection of many, myself included.

So I am mining with my mind and I choose when I want to withdraw my earnings and I am not causing any kind of harm to my environment but more good.


This new reality is awesome and I see it going the whole Nine yards for lots of people. We are presently dreaming of a future where STEEM and SBD will be a standalone currency that can be used to purchase stuff from every and anywhere.

Debit and Credit cards that can be used at ATM and POS locations worldwide looks to be some of the expectation of so many and I am glad the managers and head farmers of this mining farm are already making moves and putting plans to motion to bear this dream on the world.
More acceptance globally of the Steemit vision and dream, that dream Dan Larimer had and worked on to give you a gold mine that you can choose who best to mine with you tool.

Smart Mining, Smart Earning and Smart Living is what Steemit represents to me and millions out there.

So get Smart and jump aboard the 'Smart Mining' website built on the Blockchain.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

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