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Do not make your body the tomb of your soul - Pythagoras

Divine and magical man as a shaman, son of the god Apollo, whose thoughts were based on knowledge of the soul, making this an immortal work (dying and reborn in another living being).


The influence of this great philosopher, scientist and religious man from Greece has gone around the world, becoming an influential legend. However, the documentation that abala the credibility of his life is very scarce, have even got accurate writings from this character, which endorses his life are the many writings of his disciples who showed a right respect to the teacher Pythagoras.

The life of Pythagoras is a life of legends. According to the writings, he was born in Ionia, on the island of Samos, in the year 572 a.C. I travel to Egypt and to Babylon in search of greater knowledge, there live the way of life of the Egyptians, food, art, their peculiar clothing deeply rooted in religious beliefs, beliefs that gave him to know the theory of reincarnation.

Having obtained and learned the necessary knowledge of that Pharaonic culture, decided to return home, a return that allowed him to enjoy the reputation of hero, since his life was admired even before his birth thanks to the manifestation of the religious figures of that period that sponsored the mother of Pythagoras a divided conception (Man-God) with great beauty, intelligence and ability to guide the people. Likewise, his reputation as a hero is also due to extraordinary childhood, his youth with renowned teachers and learning trips abroad.

Since being in Samos, his homeland, Pythagoras builds and establishes a school where his fame becomes even greater, acquiring the privilege of being required by all inhabitants of his land, the parents wanted their children to be educated with the teacher Pythagoras.

However, due to the tyranny of Polycrates, Pythagoras had to leave Samos, moving to Italy and settling in Crotona. There were born 2 of his great creations, one was the great old school where he not only imparted his knowledge but also was accompanied by other great thinkers of the time, and the second great creation was a philosophical and religious sect, which inspired by the Orphism, whose members lived in community of goods, where all participated in a set of beliefs and knowledge that remained secret for the uninitiated.

At this point Pythagoras is at the frontier of philosophy, science, religion and legend in an undefined field.

Despite its success, not everything was rosy in Pythagoras; the influence exerted by the philosophical and religious sect in Crotona was very powerful, so much so that it came to create an enmity between the people who rebelled against this sect and against their domination exercised against the other inhabitants, that is why a revolt is generated popular, so fierce that I destroy the properties of these powerful men and expelled them from the city.

After the popular revolt Pythagoras took refuge in Metaponto, it is said that he died there shortly after his flight, there, in the years 496 a.C.

"A beautiful old age is, ordinarily, the reward of a beautiful life." Pythagoras.


His controversial life shows that he was not entirely a mathematician, but rather, a man who influenced his time and built facilities so that people and of course the next coming generations could study and nurture knowledge, that is why, thank you to his great influence his disciples for years transmitted the hegemony of the master Pythagoras, becoming them Pythagoras and turning him into a legend.

Thank you very much for reading and accompanying me to remember this great leyend of history!