50 Followers by day 4! :)

50+ Followers! :)

With minimal impact to my reputation (thankfully! and probably due to the fact that I interact with my followers and on posts in general.) I have managed to get to over 50 followers in a 4 day timeframe! I've only spent about and hour at most a day on here as well! :)

I intend to invest more time once my work slows down a bit! Then, I can really get into it! :P

Thank you to everyone who's supported me so far! :)
It means more than you can imagine! <3

New Followers Today

- 20! -

Well, yesterday ended off around 32 and today, as of this moment, I'm around 52~.
So about 20 today!

Wow! Thank you SO much! :P

Thank you for your continued support! <3

Follow me! - @duchess1 <3

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