Post Payouts dropping rapidly! (Negative effect of HF19 #1)

So you probably noticed that your posts payouts are dropping really fast in the last few days, here is why i think this is happening:

HF19 was suppose to encourage new users by giving they a more equal power and reward, but looks like it long effect is getting negative, this (in my opinion) is happening because old users (dolphins and curators) are posting significantly more and curating less in order to get even more reward.

This is natural, they suddenly see their post payout pump and they figure: "hey, now i should make more posts instead of curating!", i don't have any stats about this, but could be interesting see if this is a real effect.

Of course there is the possibility that the payout drop is due to the steem going down, but it doesn't seem to be the case, i mean, some posts have lost up to 25% of they initial payout in 2 or 3 days, and average price of steem haven't dropped that much, there must be other reasons...

So, more posts, more voting power, same reward pool, it is naturally that the payouts will drop and we probably will end at the same place before HF19, posts with a lot of upvotes and only 0,x$ payouts for minnows, keep relaying on whales to drop a bone and make a couple of $...

So, this is just an idea of what happening, what do you think?, why are the payouts dropping this fast?, leave your opinion!

Best regards!

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