WooHoo... 200 Followers in First 7 Days... Help Me Get To 500, Onward To 1000, And Beyond... Steem On...

Hello all,

I just wanted to give a thanks to all the Steemians who saw fit to follow me on my journey through Steemit. As I mentioned in my introductory post, I sort of stumbled onto Steemit by accident - doing research into Steem. Since then I have been completely fascinated by everything Steemit. No matter what mood I have on any particular day, I can find someone or something who shares it. Weather i'm in my usual care free hippy mode or in my pissed at the world - everything sucks mode, I can write about it and maybe if i'm lucky, have someone comment .

I have never been one to "put myself out there" especially in a public forum, but I really like to write and this is the perfect place to do it. Politics, food, nature, anything about aliens, and did I mention politics - oh yeh...

So if your not one of the "first 200", its ok, I wont hold it against you. Help me get to 500, 1000, and beyond. Who knows, maybe eventually ill have every Steemian on that list - time will tell...

Once again, thank you to every one of my followers and if your feeling up to it, please check out my blog...

Thanks for reading & STEEM ON...


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