30 Days Writing Challenge, Day 27: Name Two Movies That Really Changed Your Life (Hopefully For The Better)

This is the twenty seventh question / topic of the 30 days writing challenge I announced a couple of days ago. The total amount in prizes is 90,000 SNAX and it's being distributed as 3 daily prices of 1,000 SNAX each. For all the details, please check this post.

Why just two? Well, ideally, these movies should be relatively different. For instance, one can be a really popular one, which may have had a generational impact, while the other can be something almost unknown, something that only you or your close circle of friends know. Or one can be a comedy, and the other drama. You got the idea: there should be some sort of binary opposition between the two.

Here are my choices:

  1. Matrix (and the Matrix trilogy) - it was by far the movie who shaped most of my adult life. I saw it when I was almost 30 and it really shifted me from a place of confusion to a place of awareness. I recently saw the entire trilogy again and I still discover things, angles, approaches that I wasn't aware of 20 years ago.

  2. Hema, Hema, Sing Me A Song While I Wait - vimeo link I don't know how many people know about this movie, which was released 3 years ago. It's undeservingly unpopular, although I think it should be on the same level with Matrix (even if the special effects are completely absent). The movie was written and directed by a very special Buddhist monk, Khyentse Norbu. Incidentally, if you're looking for some clarity and fun, do yourself a service and search some talks of him on YouTube, he's a very down to earth (he directs movies, doh!) but at the same time very profound individual.

Your turn now!

IMPORTANT: please state your SNAX username in the post, so I know to which account to send the prize, should you be amongst the lucky winners! Thank you!

You can start writing your article for the challenge right now, the time window is: Saturday 15th June, between 00:00 UTC and 23:59 UTC.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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