Steemit beginner tips and guidelines

I have recently invited a whole bunch of people to steemit and things seem to be doing alright for them. But things could be going so much better, and they could be developing a lot faster.

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So here is my free therapy session for all those who just don't understand why they are not making the big bucks, or at least why they do not see progress in their account.

Step one:


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There comes a point where you figure out that what you are doing is not working.... well duh... But do not worry it can only go up from here.

For many people they write what they want and expect something for it, this is all fine and well when the market price for steem is high. Buy not very effective when the price is low. So what do you do if you are not established.

I think this answer is very simple: Get established, write stuff you know people are going to vote for. For example write thing that you know projects and curators are looking for. Once you pretty established and don't have to rely on curators finding your posts then you move on to step 2.

Step 2:

Testing the waters

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Here is where you get to have your fun. This is where I started when I first joined steemit as there were no curation projects.

Write different things and see what your followers like more. Sometimes you will find something that will be perfect and get you lots of value and more followers. But sadly you will post something that no one likes, this is life and just keep smiling.

Play around with the top trending tags and even see what you are better at writing.

There is a lot more strategy to steemit than what meets thee eye.

Step 3

Forget all previous steps!

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You probably wondering why is put the first 2 steps in this post if I told you to forget them. It might be because this is the most important step and I just needed to have more content in this post...

Well only part of that is true. This is the most important step and the reason why you can forget the others is because, joining a community will/should teach and guide you through the first few steps. Without a community you will have less support, less opportunity, less networking options with cool people and you might even look lonely to other users on steemit.

Now that you have this final step go forth my fellow friends and conquer steemit

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