Community Challenge

The time has finally come again for our weekly community challenge, this weeks challenge will have something special inside. All are welcome to participate, even if you do not belong to the African community you may still join in on the fun.


Community goals, how we define them and stick to them on steemit.

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Community challenge

Topics for voting:

  • Ways to promote steemit to family and friends and those around us.
  • The new steemit logo.
  • Community goals, how we define them and stick to them on steemit.
  • This monkey pox scare is just overdone
  • Power Solutions for Africa
  • The hidden beauties of Africa
  • Power Solutions for Africa
  • The Buddy System

Of the above topics one has been chosen for this weeks community challenge.

Image credit

The guidelines are as follows:

  • There are no strict guild lines.
  • Try be creative and do things that no one else will do, make the topic 'wow' people.
  • There will be a few rewards for interesting and amazing content that is on topic.
  • This project will be evaluated each week and stats will be collected, based on the stats there will be more given to this project.


As this project is new and still in the testing faze there is no huge prize.

1st person will get a 100% upvote from me. This will amount to $4 on their post (depending on price of STEEM and my VP)

Each participant from our community will get voted on, vote weight will depend on the activity and interaction of the person in the challenge.

To become 1st, here are a few guidelines and tips:

  • Be interactive and participate with the intentions of helping others out who also are participating.
  • I don't give away anything for free as I would rather teach self reliance. Thus all votes given will be dependent on your activity in this project.
  • Creativity is within everyone and I will be looking for things that are out of the ordinary or extraordinary.
  • Posts must stay on topic and the opening line/heading must be captivating.
  • Support will be the key to becoming 1st

On a side note

This project was originally designed to be a fun activity to keep members within the community active and supportive of each other. Thus this will continue to be the main focus, the focus will not be on rewards and prizes, but there will be rewards for those who work hard and participate and support.

Use the #communitychallenge tag on your posts and submit them into the same channel on discord (where the discussions happen).

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