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Rant: Frustrated about the Direction Steemit is Taking.

I'm not talking about platform development or money here.
I'm talking about the growing number of steemians that are changing steemit into reddit. I'm talking about the people who see no problem with copying and pasting. The increased number of shit posts is disheartening and I feel it makes genuine users not as enthused. So to those people...I give you the Mr. Bean.

GIF's and memes sure... I get it.
However, When your post is a youtube video about scuba diving in Aruba, with no other text/intro or anything and I saw that same video yesterday on reddit... That is what flips my switch. When it is blatantly obvious that all you did was copy someone elses media and put no other effort into your post. That's where I draw my line.

I have seen users accounts that are entirely scraped from reddit. Every post! Perhaps it is a bot who knows. The point is, all of these low quality posts are making it harder for real steemians to find what they crave. A quality post. A post that tells you about the person writing or gives you some insight into them. For me the subject matter isn't as significant as the fact that I know a post came from someone out there that just wanted to share it. I think that is what most steemians envision.

Lenny loves some quality content.

I don't have a solution other than muting and flagging. The sad reality is that as long as one in ten shitposts gets a few cents, then it will continue. I pray that as the steemit evolves, the ability to wade through all the crap I don't want to see surfaces. I'll stop now.
Whew! had to get that out.
What are your thoughts?


All gifs from giphy except the train... I did that one :)
