I've become a steemit evangelist...

I knew steemit had potential when I first heard about it, so when I actually made some money using it I had no choice...

steemy biz cards

I had to get a few steemy business cards printed

...a few hundred

Lets step back to before I was even on steemit

I really wanted steemit to succeed after I understood what it was. Before I even had finished account creation, I knew that I wanted to contribute to the community in some substantive way but I didn't really know how it was I would do that.

I lurked steemit until I had learned a bit more about what was going on here

I learned that the real backbone of the community, the foundation on which this all rests were the witnesses hosting the blockchain. So I set forth to learn how to become a witness.

...and soon enough I became one.

I don't have a big server room with nice high end machines but I do have a decently nice (ex)gaming machine dedicating a few threads to a steem node, and have even found several POWs. For the doubters, my steemd page now testifies that I am a witness (screenshot below.)

After I got a witness client running, I went on to blogging and curating...

...and any doubts I had were erased once I started getting paid for my honest efforts at contributing quality blog posts and comments

So I took some of that money and I ordered steemit business cards :)

...and I've already handed out a few since they arrived just yesterday.

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