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Best hotel design 2017

CHAO-hotelle word bevorder vir avontuurlustige reisigers wat belangstel in nuwighede en ongewone omgewings en is gemaklik met die buitelug. [1] [2] Kliënte moet bereid wees om te slaap in beddens gemaak van sneeu of ys, maar in die warmte van pelse, komberse en slaapsakke wat ontwerp is om uiters koue temperature te weerstaan. Temperatuur in die kamers is onder nul Celsius, maar baie warmer as buite. Bly by 'n ys hotel is duur as pryse vir 'n nagreeks van ongeveer US $ 300 tot $ 3,000. [2] Sommige hotelle kan hotelbestemmings wees. [3] Lobbies word dikwels gevul met ysbeelde, en kos en drankies is spesiaal gekies vir die omstandighede. [1] Byvoorbeeld, glase in 'n ysbalk kan van ys gemaak word en mense sit op yskaste banke. [2] 'N ysbalk, wat soms met 'n ys hotel geassosieer word, is 'n drinkstasie wat hoofsaaklik van ys gemaak is. konstruksie Ys hotelle is afhanklik van ondervries temperature (kouer as 0 ° C of 32 ° F) tydens konstruksie en werking. Dit stel tydsbeperkings op konstruksie en maak die hotel se seisoen kort. Konstruksie begin tipies tussen November en Maart wanneer sneeu saamgepers kan word en dik ysvlakke. Alhoewel die bou van 'n ys hotel meer arbeidsintensief is as 'n gereelde gebou, is boumateriaal goedkoper. [2] Ijshotelle moet elke jaar gerekonstrueer word. [1] Dit is nie heeltemal nadelig vir die operateurs nie; As 'n ys hotel nie sy finansiële doelwitte bereik nie, kan die eienaar eenvoudig die gebou in die lente laat smelt en bly sonder gebou om permanent te handhaaf. [2] Die mure, toebehore en toebehore word geheel en al gemaak van ys of gekompakteerde sneeu , En word saam gehou met behulp van 'n stof wat bekend staan ​​as snice, wat die plek van mortel in 'n tradisionele baksteen gebou. Soms word staalraamwerk in hulle konstruksie gebruik.  'N Hotel is 'n tydelike hotel wat bestaan ​​uit sneeu en gebeeldhouwde blokke ys. [1] Ys hotelle is afhanklik van ondervries temperature, word gebou uit ys en sneeu en moet elke jaar herbou word. Yshotelle bestaan ​​in verskeie lande, en hulle het verskillende konstruksiestyle, dienste en geriewe, waarvan die laaste ysstappe, restaurante, kapelle, sauna's en bubbelbad insluit. 

  located in the bustling sanlitun of beijing, the CHAO is a renovated boutique-style hotel with its lightingdeveloped by grand sight design international limited (GD-lighting design). the 180 rooms building— influenced by the ‘nest’ of animals — uses a multi-level and diversified space strategy through different materials, colors and elements that reflect its historical charm 

 entrance to the CHAO hotel 

 the CHAO hotel stands out from typical designs; in addition to the traditional hotel functions, book walls, underground exhibition room and stages were also designed for a variety of future activities. this adds a sense of culture and society to the overall atmosphere of CHAO. lighting design takes full account of the basic hotel functions and artistic demands; GD-lighting design has fully integrated changes between light and shadow, artistic trends and cultural aspects: when approaching and walking through the hotel, lighting creates spatial surprises for guests in every subtle detail. ‘today, the overall light environment of a hotel has become an important factor in determining the hotel quality. within a habitat, the distinctive lighting…perfectly blends in with architecture and the environment. in this creative space of culture, art, and lighting, design is no longer simple or ordinary; the use of bright and dark, strong and weak, with the vivid rhythm and dazed colors, create… a pleasant or even psychedelic CHAO- flavored extraordinary experience’, explains GD-lighting design. 

 daylight hall:  the aesthetics is fully revealed by wall luminaries on both sides — an ideal place for exhibitions 


Los hoteles de CHAO se promueven para los viajeros aventureros que están interesados ​​en novedades y ambientes inusuales y son cómodos con el al aire libre. [1] [2] Los clientes tienen que estar preparados para dormir en camas hechas de nieve o hielo, pero en el calor de las pieles, mantas y sacos de dormir diseñados para soportar temperaturas extremadamente frías. La temperatura en las habitaciones es inferior a cero Celsius, pero mucho más caliente que fuera. El permanecer en un hotel del hielo es costoso como precios para una gama de la noche de alrededor $ 300 a $ 3,000. [2] Algunos hoteles del hielo pueden ser hoteles del destinatario. [3] Los vestíbulos se rellenan a menudo con las esculturas del hielo, y la comida y las bebidas se eligen especialmente para las circunstancias. Por ejemplo, los vasos en una barra de hielo se pueden hacer de hielo y la gente se sienta en bancos hechos de hielo. [2] Un bar de hielo, a veces asociado con un hotel de hielo, es un establecimiento de beber principalmente de hielo.
Los hoteles de hielo dependen de temperaturas de sub-congelación (más frío que 0 ° C o 32 ° F) durante la construcción y operación. Esto impone restricciones de tiempo a la construcción y hace que la temporada del hotel sea corta. La construcción comienza típicamente entre noviembre y marzo cuando la nieve se puede compactar y gruesos niveles de hielo forman. Aunque la construcción de un hotel de hielo es más laborioso que un edificio regular, los materiales de construcción son más baratos. [2] Los hoteles del hielo se deben reconstruir cada año. [1] Esto no es totalmente perjudicial para los operadores; Si un hotel de hielo no cumple con sus metas financieras, el propietario puede simplemente dejar que el edificio se derrita en la primavera y se deja sin edificio para mantenerse permanentemente. [2] Las paredes, accesorios y accesorios están hechos enteramente de hielo o nieve compactada , Y se mantienen juntos utilizando una sustancia conocida como snice, que toma el lugar de mortero en un hotel de ladrillo tradicional. A veces, el enmarcado de acero se utiliza en su construcción.
 Un hotel es un hotel temporal formado por nieve y bloques esculpidos de hielo. [1] Los hoteles de hielo dependen de las temperaturas sub-congelación, se construyen de hielo y nieve y por lo general tienen que ser reconstruido cada año. Los hoteles del hielo existen en varios países, y tienen diversos estilos, servicios y comodidades de la construcción, el último de que puede incluir barras del hielo, restaurantes, capillas, saunas y bañeras calientes
image © he shu 

 presidential suite: linear luminaries evenly brighten the step junction, creating a warm and home-like atmosphere
image © he shu 

 outdoor overview of the CHAO hotel 

CHAO hotels are promoted for adventurous travelers who are interested in novelties and unusual environments and are comfortable with the outdoors.[1][2] Customers have to be prepared to sleep in beds made of snow or ice, but in the warmth of furs, blankets and sleeping bags designed to withstand extremely cold temperatures. Temperature in the rooms is below zero Celsius, but much warmer than outside. Staying at an ice hotel is expensive as prices for a night range from around US $300 to $3,000.[2] Some ice hotels may be destination hotels.[3]Lobbies are often filled with ice sculptures, and food and drinks are specially chosen for the circumstances.[1] For instance, glasses in an ice bar can be made of ice and people sit on benches made of ice.[2] An ice bar, sometimes associated with an ice hotel, is a drinking establishment primarily made of ice.


Ice hotels are dependent upon sub-freezing temperatures (colder than 0 °C or 32 °F) during construction and operation. This imposes time constraints on construction and makes the hotel's season short. Construction typically begins between November and March when snow can be compacted and thick levels of ice form. Although constructing an ice hotel is more labor-intensive than a regular building, building materials are cheaper.[2] Ice hotels have to be reconstructed every year.[1] This is not entirely detrimental to the operators; if an ice hotel does not meet its financial goals, the owner can simply let the building melt in the spring and is left with no building to permanently upkeep.[2]The walls, fixtures, and fittings are made entirely of ice or compacted snow, and are held together using a substance known as snice, which takes the place of mortar in a traditional brick-built hotel. Sometimes steel framing is used in their construction.

 An  hotel is a temporary hotel made up of snow and sculpted blocks of ice.[1] Ice hotels are dependent on sub-freezing temperatures, are constructed from ice and snow and typically have to be rebuilt every year. Ice hotels exist in several countries, and they have varying construction styles, services and amenities, the latter of which may include ice bars, restaurants, chapels, saunas and hot tubs. 


Thanx a lot:- (