1000 Steemit Followers in 5 Months-- WOW! How did THAT Happen? Some Perspective...

Much as I am not a huge fan of "milestone posts," I was surprised to see that my "followers" count just rolled over to "1000," a few minutes ago... and I felt it merited a few words.

Thank You!

1000 Followers-- wow!

First off, a heartfelt "thank you" to all of you who find my ramblings and ruminations interesting enough to "come back for more," on a regular basis. Cheesey as it might sound I am truly humbled by the authentic sense of community I have found here on Steemit. Wow!

Yes, I know I don't follow everyone back... but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate your "vote of confidence."

The Magic of Steemit: Some Comparisons

Mostly, I wanted to use this post to add a little perspective. That is, perspective that illustrated just how connected people are, on this platform.

A zen view-- Japanese Gardens, Seattle

I've been a pretty active social media user for... since... well, almost since social media was invented.

It just took me five months to reach 1000 followers on Steemit. I did this simply by "doing what I do:" posting content I think might be of some value, interest or amusement, and then engaging the community. No magic formulas, no clever tricks, no bots, no cheating, no begging.

For comparison, I opened my twitter account in January 2008, and I have 1,550 followers. Gained the exact same way, except it took 9 1/2 years.

For comparison, I have been on Facebook since sometime in 2006, and I have 973 "friends." Gained the exact same way, except it took 11 years. Now-- in all fairness to the Book of Farce, I do have a niche interest "page" with about 17,000 "likes," but even so...

Steemit is definitely the most engaging and rewarding (no pun intended!) social content platform I have encountered!

Thank you to all!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Published 20170626 12:23 PDT

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