I only made 1 dollar on Steemit Today ....

I only made 1 dollar on Steemit Today ....
What's the point then ? If you are asking this question you need to change your way of looking at things. You didn't make 1 dollar, you made the equivalent of 0.8981 Steem. Let's round it off to 0.9 for ease of sake. So what is the difference ?


The difference is huge really. Why don't you ask the guy who bought 2 pizzas in 2010 for 10 000 BItcoins. In today's value of bitcoin that's 74 million USD, or 32 million USD per pizza. My stomach hurts just thinking about it.

So if you ask me why do I continue making posts if I might only get 1 Steem per post. Well because I am not thinking of its value based on the current exchange value in USD. I am thinking of its value a few years down the road.


So let's say that Steem will have the same market cap as Facebook has today but we will reach it in 2030.
The current market cap of Facebook is around 500 000 000 000 ( 500 billion). In 2030 we should have around 600 000 000 Steem coins in circulating supply. So if you divide 500 billion with 600 million coins you get a value of 833 USD/Steem coin in 2030.


So in other words if I wait to 2030 I didn't make 1 USD on my post today I made 833 USD. Now that sounds a lot better don't you think ?

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