Steemit blantantly obvious reposters ( are they bots?) This needs to be fixed!

I made a post today explaining the very short lived lucrative arbitrage opportunity on Poloniex here

And not long after geronimo brought to my attention some person (or bot) just re-post the content with out changing any text or even the images with my name clearly on them. Even some of the text has my name on it.
I mean come on just look at this same name and everything LOL

That is one of the reasons I am thinking maybe this is a new thing of botting going on why would you re-post it when it clearly has my name on it.

There needs to be some kind of automated way to deal with these kinds of plagiarizers it's way to blatant .
I think a automated response could take care of this pretty simply.

This reminds me a lot of youtube re posters stealing content and some times the stolen content goes viral instead of the source. Not good!!

We need to find a solution quick before it gets rampant get on it steemers!

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