DELEGATING up to 1200 STEEM POWER to curators and solid bloggers


Some of you may noticed that I've been very quiet lately and I didn't engage much with anyone here on Steemit. The reason behind my absence was the fact that I GOT MARRIED for life :) Last few weeks has been insane, busy but also amazingly beautiful.

Anyway that's enough about my private life. I want to come back with a big BANG and for that reason I decided to delegate up to 1200 STEEM POWER. Did I get your attention already?

I surely hope so! :)



Just a few days ago I had a small conversation with @Imthinker. Great guy, who shares similar interest towards crypto and blockchain technology. He's currently trying to build his presence online. Very supportive towards community too. Exactly the kind of guy we all want to have here on Steemit.

He pointed out the fact that he reduced his activity here on Steemit after the recent HF20 has been introduced. Limitations related to lack of STEEM POWER affected his work and engagement on this platform tremendously.

And it seems very clear to me that he is not the only one out there. Struggling to remain active and supporting the community whilst building his own follower base.

I can hardly imagine how discouraging it is to write a comment, click "post" just to see this awful message informing us about the lack of Resource Credits.

And I've been wondering how many Steemit users abandoned this platform since HF20 became a reality. Or even worse: how many potentially new members gave up right away and moved to other sites.

Having myself almost 2000 SP is allowing me to maintain high engagement with almost no limitations. So it's kind of hard to relate to problems of other people. But those problems exist and need to be addressed.

STEEMIT is almost like a GHOST TOWN


Since HF20 there has been indeed very little spam, which I consider a great achievement. Quality of posts and comments are surely much better than before simply because in order to REALLY be able to comment you need to invest in your own SP (Steem power). pic:

Quite a simple solution. It cleared out this place from almost every spamming account and bots. But it's hard not to have an impression that this place is turning steadily into a complete GHOST TOWN.

And it will not get any better if we will all wait for Steemit Inc. developers to fix that issue. Which seem to be the case.

Today I would like to suggest some solution.



I believe that Im not the only one who've spent hours trying to a build community around himself. People like @hatu, @flash07, @ghayas, @honarparvar (and many others) are doing a great job. We all put our time and effort to reach some goals in building our follower base.

The question now is very simple: how much this invested time will be worth if we will start losing our followers, who support our efforts and appreciate our hard work? I surely don't like this awful scenario.

Therfore I will delegate total up to 1200 STEEM POWER to anyone who meet few basic requirements (around 40-50 SP to each person).



If you're affected by RC limits (recource credit) and you're not able to engage with your followers as much as you would like to .....

If you're passionate about cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, artificial intellingence or human psychology ...

If you're willing to engage with your followers and help community on Steemit grow even bigger ...

Then you're exactly who I'm looking for.

Just drop a comment below. Write few sentences about yourself and your goals you want to achieve here on steemit. I will personally have a look at your profile and I will do my best to support your content in the future.

All delegations will expire at the end of January 2019 (I also reserve right to cancel delegation in case if your account will not show any activity within more than a week).



If you like or agree with what Im trying to achieve and would like to support my efforts, then you can do one of two things:

  1. Resteem this post
    Alone Im not going to be able to reach out to all those "minnows" and "planktons", who could benefit from my delegations.

  2. Delegate your own SP
    I've limited resources and delegating 1200 SP will take most of my own voting power away.
    I'm also fully aware that there is a number of steemit users with a solid amount of STEEM POWER, who (for many different reasons) are not very active. If you like what Im doing here on Steemit and your SP is not being used, then delegate some of it to me. I will use my voting power to reward quality content.

I'm secretly hoping to receive delegations from people like @fulltimegeek or @kevinwong. Both of them quite well know for their support towards steemit community.


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