steemit college education how to post in steemland an understanding of time management

Hello welcome again to my college level education courses for all subjects relating to steemland.

Firstly like anything worth doing steemit requires knowledge, skills and attitude ; and like being the cable guy or your friendly dentist some training : )

Steem is money to many people herein, to myself steem is learning to write and communicate better, to share my opinions with the world since my family and friends tell me to be quiet; and for making the world a better more fun place where I can feel safe to leave the house without my gun...

Making posts in steemit takes time, but you want to find your niche ; once you find your two personal category tags you want to stamp your brand name all over them. I have another post that explains why you should be creating your own marketplace following within your area of expertise and interest.

So every day whether you have 30 minutes or eight hours, take a second to look at ; but only a second. The key here is to keep moving !!! next is , herein you want one thing your VOTING POWER ! you may run steemd and keep refreshing that voting power between 87% and 97%, any lower than 85% is diluted votes = wasteful, higher than 99% is wasted non voting time... shows you your followers, posts, voting strategies and replies ; whereas feeds into to bring up for feeds of interest. Has anyone noticed we have not even looked at yet : )

steemwatch lets you pick your two or three personal interest tags and monitor the names flowing, pick your topics and vote accordingly, always upvote things you like and your own posts. Steemitchat will feed you posting that are new and relevant to you yourself branding your name across a tag category instead of diluting your presence all over the steemuniverse. Remember you want to upmarket yourself and build a following ; work together so everyone's steem power grows faster then all our personal shareholding will increase... has lots and lots of steemit related resources apps, but remember you are not captaining a starship nor fighting missiles wars. So carefully pick those like or but do not get distracted, your here to work and change the world not to become a computer programmer. So please stay focused, vote on those tag topics you think can be of benefit and curate those things to make already existing posts better.

You yourself can only Author about four blog articles a day without penalty, so spend your time curating others already existing posts. Use your votes carefully at between 87% and 97% for maximum efficiency. Always upvote those fellow steemians you believe in and forget following crazy voting whales around, we are the future of the steemuniverse so lets work smarter to make steem a more marketable force out there...

C U on the B C ( BlockChain ) : )

/ hugz ; )

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