Best of Steemit Every Day: New Faces and New Places

Every day, I bring you six posts you should think hard about upvoting and supporting. These are quality posts, well written and good examples of the best the community has to offer. Please consider checking them out, and if you agree, love them up.

Eight honorees today, to celebrate Steem's dramatic blast over the $2.00 threshold.

Today's Best

Writing (Fiction):The Fallen and the Lost by @svasti. Writing in what is unlikely to be this author's primary language, Svasti nevertheless creates a world with real depth and gravity, and puts characters on the screen that you care about. It's good work.

Writing (Nonfiction): Do You Really Care What Anybody Tells You by @thehutchreport. I'm a sucker for a post on listening, and this one takes an interesting tack--while we aren't supposed to care what other people think of us, that's not the same thing as not caring what other people think.

Writing (Craft): Is Copywriting Dead? by @daveespino. Vlog about copywriting, with some interesting ideas. Writing craft is writing craft, and while this section usually goes for articles on fiction crafting, all good writing translates to other good writing. Dave does a good job here, worth the watch.

Steemit community: The Minnow Report 6-6-17 by @trevorlyman. Second appearance on the Best Of for Trevor, whose consistent work highlighting the small fry among us should not go unappreciated. I'd especially like to see some upvotes for this, and some resteeming. We minnows gotta school.

Introduceyourself: This Is Where I Come From And Where I'm Going by @lindahas. Love the writing here. Different than most intro posts, and worth the read.

Steem/Steemit Community: 1000 Followers, Nearly 4000 Posts, Almost 70 Rep by @sykochica. We'd all like to be there one day. One of the community's most prolific and successful hits a milestone. Respect, people.

Other: Varanasi Pilgrims Risk Disease to Cleanse Themselves by @cottonlazarus. Part photo essay, part meditation on religious faith, Lazarus brings us a look at a world that is, to most of us, as alien as another planet. Take a moment and really appreciate the artistry of the photography here.

Special Prize: Why Privilege Really Matters by @redhens. I loved this piece, and didn't have anywhere to put it, so it wins today's special award for great writing. Privilege is a controversial topic here and elsewhere, and this might be the most clear-eyed review of the issue I've seen in any forum anywhere. Huge props to @redhens for this post.

Rules of the Best Of:
I don't do grammar and spelling errors. I make them, but I hate them. Unless the post is supremely brilliant, even a couple of these--especially in the title--will mean it doesn't make this list.
Minnows--I am a minnow, and I'm all in on support for the newbies. Doesn't mean I won't curate a whale post, but it's unlikely. If your rating is over 70, you don't need my help (for whatever it's worth).
I don't do porn, however artful.
Original content only.

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