Steemit and Life…Mirrors of Each Other

Steemit and Life…Who Knew?

I have been reading a lot of posts on Steemit and I have done my due diligence researching Steemit in an effort to better understand it. I should state here that I did this research after making a few posts and did so ONLY to gain better understanding of how it works. As I have read all of these posts, reviews and articles as well as the comments associated with them a very clear picture began to form…Steemit, in a very important way, is like life.

I realize that for many people that concept is a huge leap. After all, life is not a digital thing, it is not a program so how exactly do the two mirror one another? It’s actually pretty simple. I know so many people that go through life the way that they are expected to. They look at the social norms, the social contract and the expectations of those around them and live by those rules, being ever so careful to make sure that they stay on the path to normality. My question to anyone is this though…name one great person who achieved that title or status by sticking to the status quo and maintaining normal, socially acceptable beliefs in life or themselves? I know I can’t think of one.

Well, Steemit is no different in this context. I have read review after review where people are almost terrified to jump on the Steemit bandwagon. I have seen remarks like, “I want to see how it goes for others first.” “I’m worried it’s fake or a scam.” And more. Now, we all know that joining Steemit costs us absolutely nothing, simply create an account and you are golden, but we also know that this is not enough to make a person successful. In life, if you want to be great you have to dare to take risks, you have to swim against the current, ignore the people who love telling you that you can’t do something and just do your thing. Steemit is the exact same.

I you want to be truly successful you have to be willing to take that leap. On Steemit you have to be willing to invest your time and a bit of yourself by adding to the content and value of the entire entity. If you join and never post and rarely vote then you will see the bare minimum returns just as you will in life if you never take a leap and step off that socially expected and safe path. I see people who have written posts and aren’t getting a lot of upvotes and they get discouraged, even talking about quitting all together. Not all of us are natural writers and not all of us, myself included, have our fingers on the pulse of the Steemit community yet. This makes gaining upvotes a challenge, this is what I see as the swimming against the current portion of the journey though, just as you have to in life.

From what I have seen, the most successful posters on here have simply done there thing. They write what they know, what they find interesting and hope that someone out there shares their interests and upvotes their efforts but never focus on that. They focus on making their voice heard, writing their stuff, getting it up and then going on with the rest of their lives. With each new posting they get better, the begin to figure out the recipe that the most successful postings have in common and they learn to incorporate those things in their future posts. Suddenly, they find themselves becoming more successful, earning more Steem and expanding their viewer base. All of this in turn benefits the entire Steem community by adding a lot more value to the entire entity, driving the price of Steem Dollars and allowing everyone to profit.

Steemit, just as in life, will reward you for the effort you put into it. The more you participate the better you get, the better you get the greater the financial rewards and the greater your skill as a writer, blogger, vlogger, etc grows. To anyone who would be willing to give up on that before really trying I challenge you to simply stick it out and see what happens, don’t be so quick to walk away. For anyone who is worried about taking the leap and joining in, I ask you this…What do you have to lose? It’s free and you are rewarded for your efforts and contributions, sometimes much more greatly than the effort you put in. It doesn’t matter if you are a huge Steemit person or simply making your way through life, stop going with the flow. Start swimming against the current, take a few risks and literally change your own life because nobody else is going to do it for you. Too many are not happy with where they are in life and they complain about it a lot. Stop talking and start acting. Start posting and watch how quickly everything changes.

Steemit…Life…mirrors of efforts and returns. What a great system.

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