The Life In Steemit Art....continue

by @bullionstackers

Title - The SteemWhale on paper

Everyone love to see SteemWhale, so I decide to sketch one up. I haven't seen one before.

The Block-Chains on paper

The Block-Chains, I have no idea what it is, I think this is it

The Steemit Signage on paper

Signage - Everyone see this everyday

The Pen-Art cartoon ; ( Style - Using Pencil & Art Fine Pens Technique, in Black N White )
My Daily Life with Steemit, How I View Steemit continue...
I 'm not a computer nerd nor expert here, I am still learning Steemit platform.
Still learning the text and upload images. I guess practice make it perfect.

Follow me, if you like my Blog @bullionstackers
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Thanks to Everyone , I Love You All

Here is the Link The Life in Steemit , my Entry to SteemArtChallenge
For those that miss my Blog Entry

The Life in Steemit

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