One Amongst us is Buying Witness Votes

Brown paper bag with cash for a Witness Vote

Do you know the amazing thing about a universally audit-able ledger?

You can follow the money. Welcome to the blockchain.

Screen Shot 2017-07-14 at 9.12.59 PM.png
screenshot of the users transaction ledger

Using bribery for witness votes ethically wrong?

If one user does this than what is to prevent others from buying their way into witness positions. Witnesses are:

"...trusted members of the community, positively contribute to Steem and Steemit in many ways, are qualified and experienced in administration of servers, and are experienced in cryptocurrency networks and software." - @pfunk - link to original post

Why I think it is wrong.

New members are joining daily. This community is now stretching passed the initial members who knew network administration, understood the blockchain, and have invested time and energy on the community.

I just left a social media site which was created by people who bought their way ahead in life which benefited users who bought fake fans.

What next? A General Electric, Facebook, or a Government joins the site and buys control over Steemit by running multiple accounts and slowly buying witness votes? How many witness accounts would an organization need to hold to force a Hard Fork and threaten censorship or change the rewards system?

This is why I think buying witness votes is against everything that Steemit stands for.


Stand with me and against Witness vote bribery.

I will not reveal this user yet. They have a network of other users which they are moving money through and they have spent the last 48 hours spending over 1,000 STEEM to buy votes from users using their primary account.

They are sitting right outside of the votes necessary to become a witness.

If this is something you want to make sure is stopped in its tracks on Steemit. I ask you to either resteem this or write your thoughts. I have declined payout as I feel this is a community action and those should not be monetized.

The Brown Paper photograph is by Brandon Ruckdashel

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