I'm back after the Hack. Now to continue this story...

Here I go again...

So I've done my #introducemyself, and started telling you all the story about my jaw, and the subsequent effect it's had on my life in the 8 years since, but after having thought long and hard about it all during my week of downtime, was that I'm probably better off making videos, and addressing you personally. It'll convey the hurt and happiness of the content a lot more, as well as serve a form of verification, as you'll know my ugly mug from a mile off...

I'm not a broke-ass bum, but I'm also not financially comfortable, let alone secure. I have two lovely kids who are my purpose for living, and they deserve only the best in life. Not being able to work these past two years has put me in a very deep hole and there's not a lot of hope of getting out soon, as I have 6 months to a whole year of facial surgery to go, hopefully leaving me a complete and functional piece of society once more.

I love working, even in the dirtiest, gruntiest jobs but as I get over 30 my body doesn't have the same gusto it once did. I've got multiple tickets and qualifications that equal great money but without the ability to work, they're useless. I'm stuck in this hot-seat of financial and emotional crumble, and I'm just doing what I can to survive. I'll go into more detail about my various employment on another post at a later date, I'd like to prepare video snips for some of the harder to explain professions, where a simple 15 sec clip can explain a book's worth of words...

Hopefully I can pump out some quality content that you can all feel good about reading, because not only is this great therapy to be talking about it, but the chance of financial recuperation is exciting. If I can make money telling my stories, then I'll chase it to the moon...

I lost my account minutes after my first payout. (I thought) I'd changed my passwords, to 900 bit encrypted keys but obviously, that never went thru, and as soon as there was something to take, I lost control and watched my funds get sent to bittrex. I lost over 100 SBD during the hack and it hasn't returned, so hopefully over time I can do a little better than that post, and be able to Power Up and keep on growing... That's all I want right now, not to be steemit rich, but at least have a hope of one day changing my horizon, which is what I thought the general idea behind this platform was. To have something so fresh and exiting come into your life, fill it with hope, and then have it all dashed as you see it get stolen from you, is not a feeling I admired, nor would like to put into words. But you know it...

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings, just getting some words out there...
The Jaw story will be continued, if not redone in video format. Please let me know your thoughts?

This is Bob, signing out...
Take care, be nice to each other, and I'll see you on the other side...

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