Who is behind STEEMIT

Steemit Developers - platform that provides users a fee for the creation and selection of media content, believe blokcheyn technology can be successfully applied to the construction of social media.

Forklog discussed the idea of ​​using technology behind Bitcoin, social applications with Ned Scott, co-founder and CEO Steemit.

Forklog: The first question is about the idea of ​​creating a social network on blokcheyne. In some reviews expressed arguments against the storage of personal data in the framework of public records without the possibility of change. Why does someone may be interested to participate in the social network on blokcheyne instead of using more traditional social media?

Ned Scott: People are finding that social media-based blokcheyna return them freedom. It's a system without censorship, and at the present time we are seeing more and more manipulation of content, such as news sorting algorithms, which was recently a big problem on Facebook, or censorship, which can regularly be seen on sites such as Reddit .

When using solutions blokcheyne such as Steemit, content can not be truly censored. In addition, the technology supports blokcheyn digital tokens, which provide excellent incentives to obtain compensation when it comes to the publication of voting and participation in community affairs.

FL: At present, there are several projects to build decentralized social networks or platforms for publishing content (in particular: Datt, Akasha, Minds, Reveal and Synereo), and recently the project in the beta launch and you. As your project stands out on this list? What kind of people are the problem you solve?

Ned Scott: All of these projects are trying to solve an important problem - we will return back to social media users. We have come to a new decision Steemit in mind. Steemit uses token Steem, which has a market value of at kriptovalyutnyh exchanges. Using emission profit similar Bitcoin Mining, blokcheyn can allocate values ​​between those who publish content, and voice. It works like this: the best results publication shows, the more it will earn the authors and voting.

Other models that we considered, involve the use of "tipping" and the distribution of profit, which in its internal structure includes "friction" (ie, the loss of part of the income to the support system) and requires the involvement of third parties. One of the advantages Steemit that the vote on the platform does not involve more friction than a Like on Facebook, because it does not contain blokcheyn fees for transaction and does not require third parties to support incentives for the construction of the platform.

Interestingly, Steemit recently generously endowed the active participants of the platform, distributing $ 1.3 million in their own tokens in favor of early users, in conjunction with the distribution to the US Independence Day

FL: You recently reported exceptional growth of the audience platform users. How many people use the platform and exactly how they use it?

Ned Scott: We see the growth every day, and this information is publicly available on steemle.com, a site created by our partner. We see a rapidly growing number of created accounts, publications, votes and comments.

FL: What technologies did you use to create Steemit? Whether you use public or private blokcheyn? How can users be sure that they know their personal data? Do you provide your open source project?

Ned Scott: We use public blokcheyn called Steem and contains the texts of the publications. It also recorded the voices (for one or another publication), and it supports cryptocurrency to stimulate participants. Information on blokcheyne fully public, so it can not be used by us for personal reasons, but returned back to the people. Blokcheyna program code is completely open and easy to understand (approx .: originally used the term of agile programming - «live source»).

We have noticed that other entrepreneurs are starting to build a competing application in our blokcheyne, in particular, is steemd.com, that we are very happy. Code Steemit site interface was recently opened, and we did it to promote transparency and to increase the use Steem, which increases with each passing day. Also, there is an active integration with IPFS (Interplanetary File System) to provide shared access to images and video content.

Steemit, founded by Ned Scott and Dan Larimer from BitShares, yet still not as big as Reddit, but five hundred new users in one day - a good start. Data: steemle.com

FL: How in the platform address the issue of private messages? Do you use end-to-end encryption when sending personal messages?

Ned Scott: We are actively engaged in the implementation of the system is fully encrypted private messages directly to Steem blokcheyne as a plug-blokcheynu. Our users are very interested in this introduction, and we feel that this will seriously affect the usefulness of the platform.

FL: What are your plans and what you seek in the long term?

Ned Scott: In the short term, we plan to strengthen our offer in the market as a social platform on which you can place content from the Internet. As the next phase, we present the integration with the authors of publications and bloggers who want to monetize their content without ads. Imagine Steemit button in every blog on WordPress. In the long term, we plan to create decentralized plug-ins integrated into Steem, which will be announced later.

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