The final diagnosis Bitcoin

The final diagnosis of Bitcoin, or What do piastres LGBT and the ring of Sauron?

I would like to see during the opening of today's topics readers are constantly kept in mind two recent events:

Event №1: morning of 9 February Mt.Gox, the largest exchange for trading Bitcoin, was forced to suspend the removal of digital currency from the site due to excessive demand. Bidding at the same time continued, resulting in quotation Bitcoin plummeted by 25%.

Event №2: three days earlier (6 February), the General Prosecutor's Office on the results of the expert group meeting with representatives of the Central Bank, the Federal Security Service and the Interior Ministry came to the conclusion that any cryptocurrency (including bitcoin), as a potential tool for money laundering and legalization income received by criminal way, claims the role of alternative means of monetary circulation, which, according to Russian law, is a crime (because only official and permitted for trading currencies in favor ruble).

Looking ahead, I will say that the connection between these events no, but they wonderfully complement - each in its own way! - The big picture. The picture, which is going to present to you now.

For Bitcoin I follow since it is a phenomenon of marginal misunderstandings literally out of the blue turned into an influential factor in the global information space. Its interim conclusions, I reflected in the article "Bitcoin: Gold 2.0? Trendy simulacrum! "Published in the December issue of" Business Magazine ". The conclusion is that bitcoin is a nothing more than a hoax, in which there is not even a hint of kakuyu-libo intrinsic value (which automatically makes all of the claims to be the "currency of the future" ridiculous within sane economy), I made based on analysis of the most relevant at the time of writing events: the arrest Ross Ulbricht, the father of the most notorious trading platform, receiving bitcoins - Silk Road, and suddenly a soft verdict that ordered Bitcoin the US Senate after the hearing devoted to "potential risks, threats and promises of virtual currency."

The key point of the autumn round of intrigue around the Bitcoin was to assess the Senate any virtual currency as a "legitimate financial services", with no matter whether it is centralized or not. Accordingly, the Senate refused to provide public pressure on cryptocurrency development and thereby indirectly gave the green light to further speculation on the exchanges like Mt.Gox.

In the autumn I felt that calm attitude of the American authorities to bitcoin is determined harmless and toothless cryptocurrency:

"The MPs have understood the main thing: in Bitcoin, combining in itself an exchange function with the speculative stock exchange games, there is no chance at making money. It's not even that common money required to exclude the investment component, in principle, (as it happens in Freigeld Silvio Gesell), and that no sane businessman would not agree to exchange their goods and products on the "money", that in the morning there are 900 dollars per unit, and in the evening - only 200. as soon as the Senate to make sure that bitcoin is not the slightest threat to the holy of holies - the monopoly of the Federal reserve to print banknotes - legislators immediately attended to extract additional profit. In fact, why strangle the goose that brings the amazing eggs! Lacked any regular Ross Ulbricht, konfiskuesh in his own advantage "digital toys" at $ 16 million, and these toys rather than depreciate, only grow in value! "

It's only been a couple of months, but the situation changed radically with Bitcoin! Before the change, that from my autumn conclusions left wet places, although justification and can say that the picture, which opened to us very recently, makes no qualitative and quantitative adjustments: bitcoin - this is not a random simulacrum, which entered into vogue for kiberanarhistov whim, but a simulacrum of a man-made, and, apparently, deliberately launched into circulation by those who have long controlled the global financial system.

After a few minutes I will reveal to readers factography, podvignuvshih my bitcoin valuation correction, but first I want to pay attention to the purely ontological study focused stuffing "cryptocurrency" those with whom this "cryptocurrency" supposedly designed to fight.

As an analogy, I suggest that most LGBT piastres, who grew up on a magic tree in the Field of Miracles, literally overnight. Count 8 years ago and tell me who in their right mind and sanity was concerned about the problem of "social oppression of sexual minorities"? No one! No sane politician, not a single mainstream media, no state! If in 2005 we were told that in a few years, all the Western democracies, one after another, as if on command, to change the law and legalize sodomy, humanity would have gone with laughter. Including those very politicians who obediently and this legislation changed.

Today we do know that miracles happen in the world. Though, most likely, will never know, in any office of heaven has been given an invisible and inaudible command to legalize same-sex marriage. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the problem did not exist yesterday, and today - is not only there, but also has enabled a flash! People even did not have time to blink an eye, as we found ourselves in a completely different society.

We return now to the Bitcoin. "Cryptocurrency" launched into circulation Feb. 4, 2009. Complete four years of its existence knew a handful of marginal freaks and cyberpunk, which were cooked in their own juice, and probably would have continued to be brewed today, if something somewhere is not clicked ... and - bam! Exactly one year ago (in February, 2013,) the world's media as if pulled off the rails: bitcoin quite rude, blatantly and brazenly captured the front pages of major publications - in America, Europe, Asia, Russia! Everywhere and anywhere!

It takes several months, but the hysteria around this misunderstanding is not going to subside! Yes there media now connected to the theme of Bitcoin first mainstream business, and then the policy! Everyone is doing that discuss "the issue currency of the future": one - warn against frenzied volatility bitcoin on the exchange, the other - in the wild delight talk about how to buy yesterday, a miracle tool for $ 1, and today it is already $ 1,000!

Last fall, hysteria connected first "bodies" (Ulbricht's arrest and the confiscation of all of his bitcoins), then the policy (a hearing in the Senate). 2014 brought us a completely dizzying developments.

Remember how we were told that no sane and self-respecting business would not accept bitcoins as payment for their goods and services? Remember? After all, it was only recently - in autumn? You know how things are today? Bitcoin is already taking - hold on tight! - Reddit, Virgin Galactic,, OKCupid, and!

Do you know what This firm, which sells (now including and bitcoins) gift certificates (Gift Card), which, in turn, take Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Crate & Barrel, Target, Sears, CVS, Hyatt Hotels, Kohl's, Burger King, Applebees, Victoria's Secret, Land's End, Facebook, Groupon, Banana Republic, the Gap, AMC and Fandango movie theaters, Whole Foods,, Wine Enthusiast, Papa John's, Nike, Adidas, Sephora, Sports Authority, Staples, Zales jewelry, Game Stop, FTD flowers, Zappos! Almost all color commercial Internet America!

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