Difficulty Bitcoin Mining declined after bankruptcy KnCMiner

For the first three months, there was a reduction of complexity of mining bitcoin. The reason for this, perhaps, is to reduce the total number of miners due to the decrease in future reward for mining.

Contrary to the expectations of experts, predicted that the complexity of mining bitcoin is about to exceed 200 billion, it unexpectedly fell by 1.6%, down from 199.3 to 196.0 billion. From March 2015 to March this year, the complexity of the continually growing, and the overall increase of 25.8%.

The decline occurred on June 8, when the expected decline to award for Mining cryptocurrency remained little more than a month. Now every day generates approximately 144 unit, and the reward is reduced by half after 210,000 units will be produced. It is expected that the next reduction will occur JULY 10: miners will receive for each block is 25 bitcoins and 12.5 bitcoins. This means that all income from Bitcoin Mining instantly fall by half.

This can create serious difficulties for the bitcoin miners selling cryptocurrency to compensate for electricity costs and equipment. In late May, the Swedish mayningovaya KnCMiner company filed for bankruptcy, calling the main reason is the coming decline in awards. Perhaps the reduction in the number of bitcoin miners and is the main reason for the reduction of complexity.

The complexity of mining bitcoin is changed every 2016 blocks, and this change depends on the average rate of mining for the period. Normal processing speed of one block - 10 minutes. If the miners treated blocks too quickly, the complexity increases, if too slowly - decreases. The period required for the production of 2016 units, is approximately two weeks.

Previous complexity reduction of mining bitcoin, in March 2016, was triggered by the crisis scaling Bitcoin, which led to the slowing down of the bitcoin network and an increase in fees for bitcoin transactions. The crisis was overcome in part after about the future introduction of a protocol agreement

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