YouTube is pushing me to Steemit!

I've been creating Bitcoin and crypto related content for just over a year. I've started to make a little bit of a living at it, and things were looking up for me as a YouTube content creator. Since I started my channel "BTC Sessions" I've grown to nearly 13,000 subs and almost 700,000 views on my videos. How exciting!

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But alas, centralization has now reared its ugly head and given me a dose of reality. Turns out something I'm doing is no longer advertiser friendly. This has resulted in any new content being uploaded being flagged and any monetization being pulled. So much for that bright YouTube future.

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So what am I doing to get my monetization pulled? Must be pretty awful right?
Well that's the thing. I have NO FUCKING CLUE. Videos started getting flagged, so I submitted all of them for manual review. Guess what? They all came back as still being demonetized. Even worse - there's no explanation as to why. I took a look through possible reasons and I can't seem to find anything other than (possibly) the odd swear in my live streams. I've now emailed support to get clarification.

If there's one thing this has taught me, it's that whenever there is a centralization of power and a means to censor/dis-incentivize certain types of content - it will eventually come to bite you in the ass. I'm pretty new here on Steemit, but this has taught me the value of having a censorship resistant forum. As I learn the ropes here I hope to become a large contributor to the ecosystem. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. Thanks for being a "way out" of the centralized model.

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