Stirring the Pot: Justin Sun is giving Steem the kind of publicity we need

There's simply no doubt about how huge Justin Sun is in the crypto community and in the world generally. Remember he's the guy that paid a couple million dollars to have dinner with Warren Buffet and that right there is the biggest PR stunt I've ever heard of in the history of stunts.


For crypto communities like Steem that love the idea of having control of your life, capitalist like him who have the power to simply take it through brute force are a scary proposal and with his recent social media activities, it's expected that people will start shitting bricks.

A bunch of his tweets have been causing a stir on social media with a clear example above where he translates a tweet from the Arabic version of Tron foundation. The tweet said Steemit will be moving their property blockchain to Tron. Lots of angry responses and whatnot to the post but that was expected.

Here's the kicker though, I don't think he's corroborating that post by Tron Arabic and I'm pretty sure he's aware of the fact that Steem's blockchain isn't exactly something you just BUY.

The vocal reaction by members of Steem community on Twitter is actually doing us a world of good on Twitter, we're currently among the most talked about platform and a recent Alexa ranking showed that STEEMIT and a bunch of other dapps rankings have risen in recent times.


Prior to that, you can see him subtly shilling Steem in his post about Tron and these were his own words clearly. This again increases our reach considering he has a massive following of over 2Million and rising every day.


Throw in the fact that he also interacted with a tweet from the official account of @dtube and you'll get my point.

I'm not resistant to change, I'm all about improvement and from what I can tell, @justinsunsteemit is actually consolidating on the promotional work that @theycallmedan and the rest of us have been doing on Twitter. Translating a few posts or copying snippets from misinformed accounts doesn't necessarily matter in the context; all we want is to get more people looking our way and judging by this recent wave of attention, we got it.

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