When the young are stricken...


Emotions are running deep right now. A good friend of mine has a son who suddenly had an asthma attack and went into cardiac arrest.

Needless to say he is now in a Coma. I am exhausted as I write this and I will be visiting again today. It's very sad and it's hard to remain hopeful. I was told there might have been mistakes from the paramedics. In any case a young man hangs by a thread in between life and death.

Rather than get upvotes off of this bad news I would rather get upvotes for promoting CPR and as well good links to training in cases of emergency. I never thought I would be in a situation where this would be needed but reality is a harsh reminder as it just takes one.



I haven't seen steemit promote this sort of thing, at least from my time here. I'm sure it's been done, but we all need a reminder.

There is also some good apps in your phone to help regulate compression or hand on hand training. Seconds count and getting oxygen to the brain is the most important thing.

Praying and hoping this young man will have a recovery with no long term damage.


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