What will happen to Steem Based Dollar once it goes below 1 USD?


Almost every Cryptocurrency has been going through rough Times and the same goes for STEEM and Steem Based Dollars. The price of STEEM at the current moment is around 1.32 USD but the Price of Steem Based Dollar is 1.08 USD which is very close to 1 USD.


Now, most of you should know that SBD is supposed to be priced at 1 USD and since the price is once again coming closer to that level SBD could be once again Soft Pegged to 1 USD which would be kind of a bad situation for many Peoples including me.


I have around 35000 SP Delegated from others to whom I pay from the SBD my Posts make so if the SBD gets Pegged to 1 USD that would be troublesome to me. That being said I am still Optimistic on the overall Market and still HOLDING my Bag.


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