A silly mistake can cost all your money. Bittrex Transference.

Too late for regrets ...

Me today 1:23 Am

2:37 am

3:16 am

3:46 am while I'm looking to Bittrex coin prices (in my 2006's notebook lagging with windows XP) when I realizes that burstcoin has jump from 0.01$ to 0.02$ and still increasing

So I decide to trasfer 20 SBD to my bittrex wallet in order to buy some burst

Transfer taking to long to complete ...

That I end up sleeping while wait

have Intense dreams about crypto and traveling to Japan

I wake up 4 hours later and and see that the money still not yet arrived on Bittrex

When then I realize I sent my SBD to my Steem wallet on Bittrex and they are now lost forever

Hello again dear Steemians, hope you are doing great on this beautiful Monday!

Today I made what I think it is a comum mistake especially among new users who are still not use to cripto transfers. I cannot recover what I have lost, but I can do help informing people in order to don't commit the same mistake. Therefore I decide make a quick tutorial to assiste those who might be in doubt or even afraid to make a transfer from Steemit to Bittrex.

whereas that you already have a Steemit and a Bittrex account. First of all you have to get your Bittrex wallet referent to the money You are going to transfer and click on the plus button. (we are going to use SBD in this tutorial, but the process is the same to transfer Steem, just make sure you got the right wallet address)

then it will show your wallet address and Bittrex account name. Now in another tab, open your wallet on steemit. click in your SBD balance and select transfer.

copy and past the bittrex account name in the field To and paste your wallet address on the field Memo and fill the amount you wanna transfer.

and all you have to do is wait till the transference be credited in your Bittrex wallet. this waiting use to take about 10 min average, and your Wallet will be credited with your transference.

If after this short tutorial you are still having any question about it please let me know, I'll do my best in order to answer them all.

  • If you decide to resteem my post let me know in the comments too, I will make a transfer from my wallet to yours proportionally to the number of followers your account have.
    <100 I'll transfer you 0.1 SBD
    101~200 I'll transfer you 0.2 SBD
    201~300 I'll transfer you 0.3 SBD
    801~900 I'll transfer you 0.9 SBD
    901~1000 I'll transfer you 1 SBD
    1000> I'll transfer you 1 SBD, read some of yours recent posts and cast a full upvote on the one I like the more.

And always remember:

A wise person learn with his/her own mistakes.

An even wiser learn with others mistakes

Ps: Remember by just clicking in the resteem button you will be giving an amazingly support to great content authors to keep doing his good work. So do not hesitate to resteem or even making a post about a good content you have seen, share it with your Steemit brothers and sisters! ^^

Thank you for reading my post!

I'm @andyluy a Brazilian jobless college student, freshman at cryptocurrencies who live in Rio de Janeiro, love to make new friends , travel around the world, having adventures and believe that steemit can help me to gather 20,000 $ to realize my life dream to study in Japan!

I intend to post about amazing things I've experienced, and hope soon be able to bring you with me to my new adventures !

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