Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Create And Publish Your Steemit Articles?

While many members are disappointed, discouraged or even nagging because of the current low price of STEEM/SBD, I think now is the perfect time to create and publish our Steemit articles! The explanation why is straightforward and easy, in fact, pure mathematics.

TypewriterPhoto Source: Pixabay. Credits to rawpixel for typewriter, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

As first, and without any doubt I believe the price of STEEM and SBD will rise again. In fact, I think it would happen quite soon.

Being here (as steemd.com would describe my account age) for 20 moons by now, and looking back on some historical data, as well having in mind every day broader popularity of Steemit platform which is currently reaching 1 million users, the new upward trend in STEEM and SBD is something we can surely expect.

In other words, in the past 20 moons/months being here, I experienced and witnessed 8 long months in which the price of 1 STEEM was circling in between $0.10 and $0.20 while the price of 1 SBD was around $1.00 (almost fixed).

At that time the published article which displayed reward (under the post) would show total earning (just in an example for better understanding) of $100 would receive way lower amount of SBD in comparison to the amount of received Steem Power/STEEM.

If we know that our author's reward is deducted (at most) for 25% of curation reward, while the remaining amount is split 50/50 between Steem Power and SBD, the example article mentioned above will receive the following.

From total $100 to the voters of the article as a curation reward would be given $25. Remaining $75 with 50/50 split would end up in the amount of 37.50 SBD and 375.00 Steem Power/STEEM (when 1 STEEM was $0.10) or 187.50 Steem Power/STEEM (when 1 STEEM was $0.20).
And that's basically how those early adopters, current dolphins, orcas, and some whales managed to build their accounts with Steem Power more significantly.

Today for the same $100 article, the same amount of $25 will be given to the voters as a curation reward but remaining $75 (with 50/50 split) would arrive in our wallets as follows.
The amount of SBD would remain the same as it was back then, 37.50 SBD, while our Steem Power reward would be 20x or at least 10x lower, about 18.75 Steem Power/STEEM (if we assume that current STEEM price is 1 STEEM = $2).

You might ask now, how the present moment could be then the perfect time for us to publish our articles as next raise of STEEM/SBD would only cause us to receive smaller amounts of Steem Power/STEEM?!

Two reasons why now is the perfect time to create and publish our Steemit articles!

GraphPhoto Source: Pixabay. Credits to PublicDomainPictures for graph-growth, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

The First Reason - While the STEEM price is low

From the above-given calculations, you understand now that you would receive more Steem Power/STEEM for the same valued article than you would if the price goes up.

In other words, if the price of STEEM returns to about $4 per 1 STEEM, your $100 article would bring you only 9.375 Steem Power/STEEM what is half of the amount you would get now while the price is still around $2 per 1 STEEM.

The Second Reason - When the price of STEEM will go up again

If we are aware that the prices of STEEM/SBD may go up (from current $2 up to even $4) as in the following few hours (we have seen such jumps before) the same in the following 7 days, we should also be aware that every our active post (which would reach its 7 days payment due inside that period) will be affected with that increase!

Meaning, if your post now shows the reward (again using the above example) of $100 if and when the increase happens, at the payment time, it might show up to $200 (as the value of the received votes goes up or down in accordance and following the market price of STEEM/SBD).

In such case, a today published article with the displayed reward of $100 in following 7 days (168 hours) when it reaches its payment due may be worth $200 what would bring you to the following earning outcome.

25% of total displayed reward ($200) in the amount of $50 would be given to the voters as a curation reward, while the remaining $150 would arrive in your wallet as 18.75 Steem Power/STEEM ($75 / $4 = 18.75 STEEM - the same amount you would receive when the STEEM price was low, and your article reward was only $100) and 75 SBD (what would be the double amount of received SBD not even to mention 4x more worth in USD).

To Conclude

Using the current situation of low STEEM/SBD by investing our time and efforts in creating new articles, at least for one and eventually even for the both of above reasons might be a win-win situation for us. We don't know which of our following articles (or maybe even few of them) may become a big winner when the prices go up again.
That's why I think...

Now Is The Perfect Time To Create And Publish Our Steemit Articles!

TicketPhoto Source: Pixabay. Credits to jessica45 for ticket, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

Therefore, go and post your article! Only the published post is your entrance to almost guaranteed winning. As we don't know the exact time when the increase of STEEM/SBD prices will occur, without it, it would be like waiting for the winning lottery announcement but forgetting or neglecting to buy the ticket before.

Posted on Saturday, March 17, 2018

SteemitBoard Ana-Maria Personal Badges

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