We are still not Promoting anything NEW (Same people Trending Everyday)

Trust me, I understand the fact of getting Followers and building a name for yourself on Here, but Everyday it is the same exact people trending. We are not promoting our New people, only voting those who have already made it Up everyday. I can also understand the fact that they do write amazing stories and do have great Content, but we need to give Hope to our new people. It is turning out to be an Alarming trend that we get new members and they quickly notice that only a few are Voted on tons of times, every time they write something. Hell i'm at 53 Reputation and it took me Forever to get here, we are making it seem like it is a Popularity Contest More than a Write and Earn kind of site.

I am Happy where I am, But there needs to be a Change

Don't get me wrong I am finally getting attention and am Happy with the amount I receive, but the fact that we have a Number next to or Name should not determine Auto Vote Status, hell if I was at 60-70 Rep, I would not expect every post I wrote to get 100-200 Votes and I would definitely would not expect to see it on the Trending Page Everyday. I want my Content to be What is Voted on Not my Reputation, we need to encourage more new people to hang around.

We Need at least One day that the Same names are not on Top, Find a Great story from a New person and lets Send them into Trending Status

Lets prove to our Users its not always about the Rep, but more about what they bring to the Table...

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