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Wide-Eyed Hatchling Trying to Survive in a Sea of Sharks

Since writing my #introduceyourself almost two weeks ago, I have been pretty obsessed with the steemit platform. I've been posting all over facebook in an effort to bring friends over, yet inevitably as I delve farther into it, I am losing steem. (punny)
I knew, from my research, not to expect high returns at first, especially without the aid of bots, and to do it for the joy of sharing on this revolutionary venture in social media. However, I am finding myself even more discouraged and disheartened by the immensity of the corruption taking place within this ever-so-promising portal. I understand it takes time to build a following, and I'm into it, yet the dark underbelly is making itself known.
This article has been on the precipice of coming out, yet I was finally inspired to write it after reading a post from @themarkymark, Steemit Creates Accounts for Scammers and Nobody Else.
I have sooooooooooooo much to learn about steem and am excited to do so. Yet I can't help but feel that my energies may be for naught if real change and protection of the vision doesn't come soon. How can I with confidence keep referring my friends here when I now know what I do? Granted, I still believe it far surpasses Facebook in its societal benefits and potential, so for now I continue to spread the word.
My first post is currently reading at a payout of $61.93. This is somewhat due to the response of my friends already here on steemit, but from my limited understanding of the steemit processes, it also mostly seems due to upvotes from bots that are attempting to advertise their services. I didn't ask for any of these.
Since then, each of my ten posts is hovering around $0.50. These appear to be all from automatic upvote services I have been enrolled in by someone else for whatever reason. I have had only one meaningful comment on any of them, so it seems hardly anyone is actually reading my content. (Thanks @johnnyhurley) So what's the point?
I still appreciate releasing my content to the blockchain instead of throwing pearls to swine(the platform not the people) on Facebook. No one has to read it for me to find satisfaction in contributing to the ocean of information we are creating, however, it does take some of the joy out of it knowing I am whistling in the wind. I am certainly seeking to engage the commUnity here.
My steemit guru, @kennyskitchen, included in his teachings about the destructive nature of bots, and recommended I not engage for morality sake. I have also since discovered the various "bot-wars" going on in here (@grumpykitty). Sitting with the outcomes of my experience here for the past few days, I have been reviewing my thoughts and feelings about participating in such. Maybe, since I know I am creating quality content, I should promote it so as to increase the actual value of steemit and push against the waves of "trending" garbage. Maybe using the same tactics for good purposes is alright.
It's the same daily battle I push up against in traversing the corrupt systems running the lives of the masses in Babylon. Each moment is a choice in how I traverse my morality within the current paradigm presented. What to do.
Currently, I have not used any bots, aside from those gifted to me. I did, just the other day, send STEEM to the project @tribesteemup created by @kennyskitchen since it seemed in alignment, and if Kenny is doing it then it's probably righteous. Here's the skinny on that program. I really do feel @tribesteemup is going to do it's best to contribute to the rEvolution.
The bot I am now considering utilizing is the first one I was ever told about through my RL collaborations with Earth Nation, @earthnation. You can find out about it here, @earthnation-bot. It seems to be the bot I've found most in alignment with the highest intentions held for #minnowsupport and quality, rEvolutionary content. @earthnation-bot only supports minnows, those will less than 500SP. They curate everything according to their guidelines in order to ensure this tool is being used for good. So I'm considering it.

img src and a really interesting read on the topic. (p.s. where does using this fall on the line of plagerism in your opinion?)

What should I do? What can I do?
I usually try to avoid the word hope (I'll perhaps write an article as to why someday), but I use it with caution in this instance. The changes being requested by those who really care about steemit must be enacted if there is any hope of it flourishing.
Right now I feel as though I am smaller than a minnow. I feel as though I am just a hatchling in a sea of sharks trying to survive. I am in awe of the surrounding ocean, and want to do my best to grow into a beautiful dolphin that can use its perspective and knowlede to help make the world a better place. I pray that we will find the will and the way to uplift steemit to its full potential (also a word I use with caution). I do find comfort in knowing that I am participating in a system that is "decentralized" and transparent. I promise to continue to learn the ways I can support this process (such as voting for witnesses, curation, and promotion), but if I get swallowed up in the vast and widening abyss of pyramiding spam, I guess I'll see you in the "next best thing".
Blessed Be.

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Infinite Love,
Alexis aka @alexstacy

Current Posts from @alexstacy

*Xoetry #1- I Am Not the Story I Told About Me
*Xoetry #2- Mercury Retrograde
*SpiritAnimal #1~ Introducing भोक्ता (and a few other furry friends)
*Your Children Are Not Your Children

Journal of an eXstatic Life Series:

*#1, StarTribe 1
*#2, StarTribe 2
*#3, StarTribe 3
*#4, StarTribe 4