"This post was hidden due to low rating" ... what the f??

The logic behind hiding posts is far from optimal IMO. Hiding low quality posts is fine, but the ways to determine which post is low quality can be improved a lot.

My previous post is a very good example. So I posted a few original pictures and a story about one abandoned place in Bulgaria. I had one upvote (excluding mine) and one downvote. Apparently this was enough for steemit to hide my post as low quality... Out of curiosity I visited the profile of the downvoter and things started to clear out. Seems like there are these little sh**ts on steemit that downvote absolutely everything they see. Don't know what is their benefit to do this.

So why did steemit hide my post after only one downvote by this dickhead that downvotes everything he sees? I am not insisting my post is not low quality, let the voting system determine the quality of my post. But if the hiding occurs after 10-20 votes instead of 2 (3 including mine), I would not feel like the logic is so unfair.

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